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ARS Databases

  • ARS Water Database
  • Cattle Genome Map
  • Databases at the National Agricultural Library
  • Food Composition Data
  • Fungus Collections and Information
  • GRIN - National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS)
  • Holdings of Diptera Species at the Natural History Museum
  • Maize Genome Database
  • New Crops Oilseed Database
  • NMR Database of Lignin and Cell Wall Model Compounds
  • Pesticide Properties Database
  • Small Grains (GrainGenes) Database
  • Southern Regional Research Center Reprints
  • SoyBase
  • Swine Genome Map
  • TEKTRAN - Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System
  • Weather Data Summary for 1964-1993, Stoneville, Mississippi
  • Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP)

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