=105">problems with the cursor keys and has poor graphics capabilities. You can also use X-terminal emulator software which has good graphics capabilities.

Versaterm and Versaterm Pro are available from

Synergy Software
2457 Perkiomen Avenue
Mt. Penn, Pennsylvania 19606 USA
Tel: (610) 779-0522

NCSA Telnet is available from NCSA, University of Illinois.

How do I use GCG from a PC (clone)?

You need a modem connection or network connection, as well as terminal emulation software. The recommended commercial software is SmarTerm which can handle GCG graphics. The package PC/TCP also works. The most common free software is NCSA Telnet, but this software causes known problems with the cursor keys and has poor graphics capabilities. You can also use X-terminal emulator software which has good graphics capabilities.

SmarTerm is available from:

Persoft Inc.
465 Science Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53711 USA
Tel: (608) 273-6000

Free terminal emulation software is NCSA Telnet, available from NCSA, University of Illinois.

How do I use GCG from a Unix machine?

You need a modem or network connection. You probably have X-terminal software already on your machine, so will not need any additional software. The X-terminal emulator will also handle graphics.

Cursor (arrow) keys don't work in Seqed

The problem is that your terminal emulator is not sending the appropriate codes to helix, and thus your cursor key hits are not being interpreted properly.

Mac running NCSA Telnet
If you're running the latest versio