Engineering, Materials & Physical Science (33)
ONR Keyword(s): 333
Program Thrusts

Main Page
Energy Conversion
Energetic Materials
Propulsion Processes
Undersea Power Sources
Free-Surface Phenomena and Two-Phase Flows
Propulsors and Flow Structure Interactions
Undersea Weapons Technology
University/Laboratory Initiative (ULI)
Torpedo Defense (D&I)
Guidance and Control (D&I)
High-Speed (Supercavitating) Undersea Weaponry (D&I)
Multidisciplinary Systems Design & Optimization (MSDO)(D&I)
Undersea Warheads/ Explosives (D&I)
ATT/Tripwire (E&D)
Guidance and Control (E&D)
Next Generation Countermeasure (NGCM) (E&D)
Mechanics and Energy Conversion S&T Division

The Mechanics and Energy Conversion Sciences and Technology Division plans, fosters, and encourages scientific research and technology development in the areas of Energy Conversion, Hydromechanics, and Undersea Weaponry. Program Officers in the Mechanics and Energy Conversion Sciences and Technology Division have diverse backgrounds in fields of chemistry, physics, materials science, and naval weaponry to bring a unique perspective to each programmatic area. The current programmatic areas focus basic and exploratory development on areas which will have broad impact on future Naval Forces. Ultimately we seek to support science that addresses critical scientific and technical (S&T) issues necessary to develop technologies for the warfighter. Individuals seeking support are encouraged to provide a strong S&T proposal that clearly outlines a vision for a future technology of benefit to the Navy and Marine Corps while putting forward strong scientific concepts that will form the basis of this technology. In general we are looking for high risk, high pay-off approaches that could potentially offer order of magnitude increases in a specific capability/metric.

We actively seek research ideas (white papers, proposals) that address the programs described. Interested individuals should contact program officers in the areas described below to determine specific directions relative to the physical sciences programs. Our programs are dynamic and we welcome discussions of novel concepts outside the current programmatic areas. Support of these seedling concepts will ultimately lead to new programmatic emphasis areas. We also encourage and support interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary research. Partnerships between universities, industry and government labs are encouraged. For a description of each programmatic area please click on the program links provided on the side-bars.


Point of Contact:
Division Director
Phone: 703-696-5075
Points of Contact

Division Director
Energy Conversion
Energetic Materials
Propulsion Processes
Undersea Power Sources
Free-Surface Phenomena and Two-Phase Flows
Propulsors and Flow Structure Interactions
Undersea Weapons Technology
University/Laboratory Initiative (ULI)
Torpedo Defense (D&I)
Guidance and Control (D&I)
High-Speed (Supercavitating) Undersea Weaponry (D&I)
Multidisciplinary Systems Design & Optimization (MSDO) (D&I)
Undersea Warheads/ Explosives (D&I)
ATT/Tripwire (E&D)
Guidance and Control (E&D)
Next Generation Countermeasure (NGCM) (E&D)

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