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241 Forms 




January, 2004
ORNL's STI Manager, Dave Hamrin,  exposes the truth about DOE technical reports at the University of Tennessee Libraries E-Forum Meeting.  See for yourself at UT.ppt 

December, 2003
New meeting minutes:  The minutes of the November 19th STIP teleconference meeting have been posted on the Meeting Notes page. 

DOE Directive is here:  The PDF version of the revised DOE Order 241.1A is available on both this website and the DOE Directives website.  The administrative change to DOE  O 241.1A  (DOE O 241.1A Chg 1) was approved on 10-14-03. In accordance with the Departmental Directives System: Administrative Changes are simple changes that do not substantively affect the directive. Examples of such changes are nomenclature changes to organization names or titles of officials, changes to legal citations, and minor reductions in requirements and responsibilities. To see the redline/strikeout of changes for this administrative change, you may click on:

November, 2003
"'Science.gov way' puts OSTI on the map with a new address." That was the headline in the Oak Ridger when it featured the ceremony that changed both the name of an Oak Ridge street and OSTI's street address from 175 Oak Ridge Turnpike to 1 Science.gov Way

October 31, 2003

Within the past week the minutes for the STIP teleconference on September 10, 2003 have been posted under Meeting Notes.  The PNNL guidance document on 508 compliance for STI has also been posted as a follow-up to the Table Topics discussion held at the April STIP meeting.

October 1, 2003

The Web version of the DOE F 241.3, "Announcement of Scientific and Technical Information ( STI ) (For use by Financial Assistance Recipients and Non-Major Contractors)" has a new look. The Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) just completed a revision of the DOE F 241.3 to remove the pop-up boxes. This change was based on problems discovered when people were using newer versions of Internet browsers. The primary problem was that the pop-up boxes would appear at various places on the form or not at all. As a result, some information wouldn't be added to the announcement record which caused a problem with uploading fulltext documents. The form remains available for DOE employees through the E-Link website at www.osti.gov/elink and for the financial assistance recipients and non-major contractors at http://www.osti.gov/elink-2413/ .

Although the revised form appears longer, the number of data fields and possible field values has not changed. This will likely change in the near future because we are planning another revision to the form and anticipate changes in a couple of areas (i.e., the Intellectual Property/Distribution Limitation section, Product Type, etc.). We would like to resume the Procurement Special Interest Group (SIG) when we proceed with further revisions to the form.

OSTI would like to thank Vicki Phillips and other members of the Chicago Operations Office of Acquisition and Assistance for testing the revised DOE F 241.3 before it went to production.

September, 2003: 
9/11/03:  The organization chart for OSTI found in this website was removed and replaced with the new one for OSTI.  This organization chart is also available under "About OSTI", "Leadership and Staff" on the OSTI website.

9/10/03: The initial review period for the redesign STIP home page has ended, and comments indicate that the new look meets with overall favor.  Comments received will be discussed during the STIP teleconference September 10th.  That meeting will also be one more chance for those who have not commented to do so.  

August, 2003:  

The STIP home page is getting a new look.  Following the discussion at the April STIP meeting, the decision was made to redesign the STIP website and incorporate many of the comments made in that discussion.  Work on the new design began in July and will complete in draft form during August. The new look will be available at a test URL for review and comment by the STIP community.



Last page update: 8/14/03