STIP Teleconference Meeting

July 14, 2004


 Final Draft Revision of DOE F 241.1 (Kathy Waldrop):

The final draft revision of the DOE F 241.1 was sent out ahead of the teleconference to prepare participants for the discussion of Part III that was revised based on comments received at the April STIP Meeting and from several STIP Managers and sent out for comment before the teleconference. According to information in the DOE Order 471.3 "Identifying and Protecting OUO Information," and from SO-12 (Linda Brightwell, now SO-10.2) and NE-50 (Jack Wheeler), OUO is the overarching distribution limitation for the various types of access limitations (i.e., AT, ECI, CRADAs, etc.). Part III of the form has been revised to reflect this change. The discussion during the teleconference resulted in differing opinions and interpretations that caused this topic to be postponed until we can get Linda Brightwell and/or others on a conference call. The comments were related to not having exemption numbers for particular access limitations placed under OUO. It was suggested that written Departmental guidance/requirements that further describes OUO as the overarching distribution limitation be provided to the STIP Community before the call.


FY 2004 Site Visits (Kathy Waldrop):

As mentioned at the April 2004 STIP Meeting, OSTI will begin making site visits again.  The site visits will start in August 2004, at the NNSA Service Center in Albuquerque and continue with other NNSA sites: Sandia National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. We want to visit these sites first because we haven't made site visits since NNSA was established and we want to ensure that we are on the same page in terms of STI requirements, etc. Also, these visits will not be like the site reviews that OSTI used to do; instead these visits will help the OSTI STIP Contacts to gain a better understanding of the sites STI Programs (handling of product types, distribution/access limitations, etc.) and discuss outstanding issues (if any exist). Because of the geography, OSTI will also visit Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to tour the meeting space for the 2005 STIP Meeting. Site visit discussions have begun with Savannah River Site.  NETL may also be on the horizon. If you’d like a visit, notify Kathy. (Valerie Allen):

We are asking your help to make your sites visible on at Although DOE is currently well represented, having 300 sites posted out of the total 1700, we want to continue to improve. OSTI will send out an e-mail to each of the sites with websites currently available via  We’re asking that you review that and consider which others should be there.  If there are websites you would like to add, we would like the main URL for that website.  Our goal is to get the user to the science quickly, so we generally don’t include lab homepages, etc. For each website submitted we will need the main URL, title, a brief description (one sentence) and the subject category (or 2, occasionally 3 but not often) under which the website should be listed. (Note - if there are three subcategories, the website should usually be elevated to the broader category, only appearing once).  Later, OSTI will ask the sites to do a QA check of the information, but that is not part of this immediate exercise.


2005 STIP Meeting (Kathy Waldrop):

Jane Tierney has already booked April 18-21 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. We won’t use all four days; we may just need two days (probably Tuesday and Wednesday, the 19th and 20th). The meeting space was available this week. If you have a conflict, please let OSTI know as soon as possible. Either Oakland or San Francisco airports would work.


DOE G 241.1-1A (Kathy Waldrop):

A working group is being established to revise the DOE G 241.1-1A. Although the revision process will not begin immediately, a revision to the Guide is necessary and should begin in the near term. Volunteers should be knowledgeable about the STI Program and willing to review the Guide and participate in teleconferences to discuss recommended changes, etc. OSTI agreed to send out a reminder to the STIP Managers. Volunteers should contact Kathy. 



Judy Gilmore of OSTI mentioned that a conference call/WebEx demo would be held later today with Elsevier. This activity is part of the e-journal group, and progress has been measurable.

The next STIP Managers teleconference will be in September, perhaps the third Wednesday, September 15th.