Government Securities Act of 1986

More Questions and Answers Relating to Treasury's Large Position Recordkeeping and Reporting Rules

April 11, 1997

Treasury is providing additional Questions and Answers (Qs & As) relating to its large position recordkeeping and reporting rules. We will periodically update this site with new Qs and As based on inquiries we receive, so check out this site occasionally for new information.

A list of the new questions appears in the historical area, and each new question in the list has been hypertexted to take you to that question and answer in the updated set of Qs & As. This will help you to find any updates made since your last version. Each new question has been numbered and inserted into the appropriate section of the original document.

List of Questions added on April 11, 1997

3.2) Net Trading Position - Futures Contracts

3.4) Net Fails Position

4.5) Regarding the requirement to retain large position records for either 3 or 6 years, depending on the type of record, does the time frame apply from the date Treasury requests a large position report?

Updated April 21, 1997