tions for a HP7550 are now being sent to gcgplot.hp. Use 'Fetch' or 'FTP' to bring the file gcgplot.hp to your own computer, and print.

What if my printer can't do postscript?

Do you have access to an HP plotter or printer? You can get your graphics output into a hpgl file.

Or you can print to DCRT's IBM/370 printer, which can handle postscript. Then walk over to Bldg 12 to pick up your output.

Or you can use one of the printers at CIT's Scientific Computing Resource Center. Call them at 4-DCRT or visit their web page for details.

My printer prints black-and-white but I need color output.

If you need color printouts on an occasional or irregular basis, you can use DCRT's Scientific Computing Resource Center. They have Macs, PC's, scanners, black-and-white and color printers available free to NIH personnel. Walk-in use is provided, but appointments are recommended. See their web page for details, or call them at (301) 594-DCRT.

How do I know what port my LaserWriter is connected to?

When you run the 'postscript' command in GCG, it asks
To what port is your LASERWRITER connected?
If you have your networked Laserwriter registered on helix (see Can I print from helix to an AppleTalk printer? , then you can get GCG to print directly to your printer. If the PRINTER environment variable is not set, type
 | lpr -Pprintername
in response to the question. This tells GCG to pipe the output to the Unix lpr command, and it should then go directly to your printer.

You can set the PRINTER environment variable by typing