Welcome to the Human Factors Research Projects Database

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The objective of the human factors research projects database is to educate federal research program managers on human factors projects that were funded by the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Naval Research, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Army Research Laboratory Human Engineering and Research Directorate, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Army Research Institute, National Science Foundation, and National Institutes of Health during fiscal year 2003. This exclusive database is project specific that allows users to search by principle investigator, principle investigator’s institute, funding organization, state, and key words.

This unique database allows users to understand what was funded by each organization at the project level (contract or grant awarded to a principle investigator). Popular databases such as the Defense Technical Information Center roll-up each funding organization’s projects into a high level program description that reduces the level of detail about each project. Although the database is not a complete list of all federally funded human factors projects, it does represent a large percentage of the federal human factors basic research and development program.

A potential application of the database may allow a program manager to search for projects that are similar to a proposed new start research requirement. By searching the database, the program manager may find a similar project that could leverage another funding organization’s project. Perhaps, the two funding organizations could form a collaborative agreement to achieve each research goals while saving resources.

If you have any questions or would like to participate in the FY04 Human Factors Research Projects database, please contact me at william.krebs@faa.gov or http://www.hf.faa.gov/krebs.


William K. Krebs, Ph.D.

Federal Aviation Administration
Office of the Human Factors Research and Engineering Division

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