U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service Logo

U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Patuxent Research Refuge
National Wildlife Visitor Center 
On the Brink Exhibit

Last Update

Under Construction

Northern Spotted OwlKemp Ridley Sea TurtleHawaiian O'o Bird

Purpose of the Exhibit: To sensitize people to the wide variety of endangered species and to provide and opportunity to see these declining species and learn what is being done to prevent their extinction.

The following species are on display:

  • Kemp Ridley Sea Turtle 
  • Desert Tortoise
  • American Crocodile
  • Indiana Bats
  • Masked Bobwhite
  • Red Cockaded Woodpecker
  • Northern Spotted Owl
  • Puerto Rican Parrot
  • Piping Plover
  • California Condor
  • Delmarva Fox Squirrel
  • Mission Blue Butterfly
  • Black-footed Ferret
  • Hawaiian O'o Bird

Six Main Causes of Decline of These Species

  • loss of habitat
  • poisoning by pollution
  • loss of nesting sites
  • predators
  • over-hunting and over-harvesting
  • diseases

Six Main Areas in Recovery Efforts for These Species

  • endangered species act
  • habitat protection
  • captive breeding
  • establishment of 2nd populations and relocation
  • researching and monitoring population
  • public education