// Global vars---- G_total_za = 0; // total random elements G_day = new Date(); // date for seed G_seed = G_day.getTime(); // G_seed for random number //---CHANGE THESE ARRAY ELEMENTS TO YOUR LINK/IMAGE //---ADD/SUBTRACT AS MANY AS YOU NEED // Just replace your URL and image tags between the single quotes: zae_(' your stuff here '); zae_('MSG Battalion');zae_('Marine Corp Warfighting Lab');zae_('Marine Corp Warfighting Lab');zae_('clear - added to fix 404 error');zae_('26th Marine Expeditionary Unit');zae_('Maybe You Can Become One of Us');zae_('The Change is Forever');zae_('The Change is Forever');zae_('Marine Corps Mobilization Command');zae_('Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort');zae_('College of Continuiing Education');zae_('Employers Support for the Guard and Reserves');zae_('Marine Corps History Foundation');zae_('Marine Corps Museum');zae_('MyPay');zae_('Marinenet Online Learning');zae_('Marine Corps Air Station Miramar ');zae_('Marine Corps Museum');zae_('MCAS Miramar');zae_('National Military Family Organization'); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function to Create image/link Object Array //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function zae_ (description) { G_total_za++; za [G_total_za] = description; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function to create a random number from 1 to total number // of array elements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function zrand() { RN = parseInt(((G_seed - (parseInt(G_seed/1000,10) * 1000))/10)/100*G_total_za + 1,10); return RN; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CREATE THE image/link OBJECT ARRAY function za () {} //---------------- done with setup-----------------------// //-->