Response to AHCPR on CERTs:

Marc L. Berger, Merck & Co., Inc.
November 19, 1998

Some preliminary thoughts:

  1. One CERT should focus on curriculum reform for health professionals... emphasizing systematic population management compared to a patient by patient approach.
  2. Another could focus on continuing medical education (CME)... how to make it more meaningful. Family practice requires recertification—does this do anything?
  3. One focus could be on how incentives and benefits can be structured to increase socially desirable medical decision making?
  4. Demonstration projects that show how to translate evidence into practice.
  5. Off-label drug use ... how do practitioners learn and communicate about uses of medications that are not approved?

Marc L. Berger, M.D.
Executive Director
Outcomes Research and Management
Merck & Co., Inc. WP 39-162
West Point, PA 19486
Phone: (215) 652-5861
Fax: (215) 652-0860

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