How do I print to my local (non-networked) printer?

How can I print to my network printer?

There's a printer in your lab which is networked, but you don't know how to get your GCG (graphics or text) files to print on it. One way is to download the GCG output file from helix to your desktop machine, using Fetch or FTP, and then print it from your desktop machine. A more efficient way is to print directly from helix to your printer, as described below:

First, check if the printer is already registered on helix by typing

helix% more /etc/printcap
This file (/etc/printcap) has a list of all printers that are registered on helix, and you may find yours listed there. (or you may see another printer in your building that you can use). If your printer isn't on the list, call the helix staff (4-DCRT) or send a ptr (type 'ptr' at the helix prompt and follow instructions) to get it registered on helix. You will need to know the printer type, IP address or AppleTalk name.

Once you know the helix-registered name, you can now set your printer to be the default printer for your helix session by typing:

helix% setenv PRINTER printer_name
at the beginning of your session. (If you want it always to be your default printer, you can put this line in your .cshrc file.) To print a file, you can now type
helix% lpr filename
If you don't have the PRINTER environment variable set, or if you want to use a different printer, you can type:
helix% lpr -Pprintername filename

If it's GCG graphics that you want to print, see How do I print GCG graphics to my postscript printer?

Can I print from helix to an AppleTalk printer?

If you expect to do a lot of printing, it is worth getting your printer registered on helix so that you can print to it directly from your helix account. If the printer is networked with AppleTalk, you can register it on helix by calling the helix staff at 4-DCRT, or by sending a ptr (type 'ptr' at the helix prompt and follow instructions). You will need to know the printer type and AppleTalk name.

You can now set your printer to be the default printer by typing:

helix% setenv PRINTER printer_name
at the beginning of your session. (If you want it always to be your default printer, you can put this line in your .cshrc file.) To print a file, you can now type
helix% lpr filename
If you don't have the PRINTER environment variable set, or if you want to use a different printer, you can type:
helix% lpr -Pprintername filename

Can I print from helix to a printer that is attached directly to my PC/Mac?

From helix, you can use 'pcprint' to print files directly to the printer that is attached to your PC or Mac. Pcprint is a C shell script that uses ANSI escape codes to start and end transparent printing. PCprint is known to work under the following configurations:
   Hardware         Operating System   Emulator
   IBM Compatible   DOS 3.3-6.2        MS-Kermit
   IBM Compatible   DOS 3.3-6.2        ProComm Plus
   IBM Compatible   DOS 3.3-6.2        PC/TCP tn, rlogin, etc.
   IBM Compatible   Windows 3.1        PC/TCP DOS Apps
   IBM Compatible   Windows 95         EWAN Telnet
   Macintosh        Systems 6&7        Versaterm Pro
For other desktop configurations, you are on your own -- try it and see if it works. At the helix prompt, type
% pcprint filename 	(to print the file)
% man pcprint		(for info about the pcprint command)

My printer's currently dead; where can I print?

  • Other local or networked printers.
  • A nearby lab may have a networked printer that you can access directly from helix, using the command 'lpr -Pprintername filename'.

  • IBM/370 printer at DCRT.
  • At the helix prompt, type
    % print370 filename  	(to print the file)
    % man print370		(for info about the print370 command)
    The IBM/370 printer prints both text or postscript graphics. You need a box number, and your output will be placed in that box for you to pick up. If you don't have a box, call TASC at (301-59)4-DCRT or email them at for more information. The box is associated with an MVS account, for which you will need an account sponsor (usually your supervisor).)

    Hint: If you type the line

    helix% setenv PRINT_BOX box_number
    the print370 command will automatically print to your box number for that session. You can also put this line in your .cshrc file so that it is set for every helix session.

  • DCRT's Scientific Computing Resource Center
  • has printers that are available to NIH users. Call them at (301) 594-DCRT or visit their web page for more information.

    How do I print GCG graphics to my postscript printer

    Two possible ways: