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Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program

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Counter-Terrorism Training, Specialized expertise and training for law enforcement and first responders.

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BJA National Crime Prevention Conference
BJA, in partnership with other national organizations including the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, is sponsoring and hosting a national conference on "Law Enforcement and Youth Partnerships for Crime Prevention" on October 25-26, 2004, in Pittsburgh, PA. To register or for more information, go to or call

Methamphetamine Conference
Register today for the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws' National Methamphetamine Legislative and Policy Conference on October 25-27, 2004 in St. Paul, MN. BJA and the Office of National Drug Control Policy are sponsoring this event.

BJA's Regional Conference Series
November 30-December 1 in Portland, OR
Designed in tracks to provide policy makers, program managers, and practitioners with practical updates and promising practices, BJA's conference on "Managing & Maximizing Justice Resources at the State & Local Level" will provide attendees with the unique opportunity to meet directly with BJA program managers and BJA's Director Domingo S. Herraiz. For more details or to register for this no-cost training, visit

BJA's Evaluation Web Site
BJA is pleased to announce the launch of the BJA Center for Program Evaluation. The revamped site provides evaluation resources and program-specific information. State and local aencies will find numerous resources for planning and implementing program evaluations and for developing performance measures.

Latest Updates on Grants and Funding

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
BJA is pleased to release the FY 2005 Prescription Drug Monitoring Program solicitation. Applications are due January 19, 2005.

Prison Rape Elimination Awards
In accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, BJA is pleased to announce the FY 2004 Protecting Inmates and Safeguarding Communities awards.

Reentry Awards
BJA and OJJDP are pleased to announce the FY 2004 Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative awards.

Drug Court Awards
BJA is pleased to announce the FY 2004 Drug Court awards.

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Awards
BJA is pleased to announce the FY 2004 Prescription Drug Monitoring Program awards.

In the Spotlight

BJA is pleased to announce the release of Project Safe Neighborhoods: PSN cover
America's Network Against Gun Violence (PDF or HTML). This program brief
presents an overview of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a gun crime reduction strategy that links federal, state, and local forces in a multifaceted approach to deter and punish gun crime. This Program Brief describes five core elements of a successful PSN program (partnerships, strategic planning, training, outreach, and accountability), details PSN funding information since fiscal year 2001, and highlights successes of three PSN task forces.
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