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IMPORTANT: this page will be discontinued in the near future. Please check the following links, which will replace it: NCAR/RAP ETA, GFS or RUC models and NCEP Model Analyses and Forecasts.

Model Comparison Plots

The plots and images under this heading are selected two- and three- panel maps that compare the various fields and parameters of the AVN and ETA models for the 00-, 12-, 24-, 36-, 48-, and 60-Hour Forecasts. These plots are generated FOUR times each day for the 00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC model runs.
250 mb HEIGHTS / WIND SPEED: 00-Hr 12-Hr 24-Hr 36-Hr 48-Hr 60-Hr
500 mb HEIGHTS / ABSOLUTE VORTICITY: 00-Hr 12-Hr 24-Hr 36-Hr 48-Hr 60-Hr
700 mb HEIGHTS / VERTICAL VELOCITY: 00-Hr 12-Hr 24-Hr 36-Hr 48-Hr 60-Hr
850-500 mb RELATIVE HUMIDITY / 700 mb HEIGHTS: 00-Hr 12-Hr 24-Hr 36-Hr 48-Hr 60-Hr
850 mb HEIGHTS / TEMPERATURE: 00-Hr 12-Hr 24-Hr 36-Hr 48-Hr 60-Hr
MSLP / 1000:500 mb THICKNESS: 00-Hr 12-Hr 24-Hr 36-Hr 48-Hr 60-Hr
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Last Update Time:

ETA & AVN: Tuesday, 15-Jul-2003 08:34:17 MDT

NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center
Document maintained by MapRoom (
Updated: Jun 11, 2003 14:56:08 MDT