Publications for Sale for
Teachers and Educators
Other resources:
- GPO sells information from a wide variety of Federal Government
agencies available in print, electronically, and via subscription.
In the subject listing above, we selected publications teachers and
educators would find interesting. Consult our Subject
Bibliographies list for other Federal Government publications
available through the U.S. Government Printing Office. Any of these
titles may be purchased through a secure server of GPO Access.
- The Catalog
of U.S. Government Publications indexes information distributed
through the Federal Depository Library Program and provides links
to government information accessible on the Internet. Once a publication
is identified, a link is available to locate depository libraries
that receive that publication. The database contains cataloging records
published in the Catalog since January 1994 and is updated daily.
[ Ordering
information ]
A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office.
Last updated: July 12, 2004