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FEMA Information Technology Architecture 2.0

Version 2.0 of FEMA's Information Technology Architecture (ITA 2.0) provides the agency's roadmap to improve and enhance its vital information services. All of FEMA's central business processes, from disseminating disaster assistance to purchasing office equipment, revolve around information technology systems.

The strategy presented in ITA 2.0 is intended to enhance the existing FEMA electronic(e-) infrastructure. With the publication of ITA 2.0, FEMA affirms its commitment to the Administration's concept of e-government.

With its development of continuing investment in a robust IT infrastructure, FEMA is well positioned to embark on the road to an e-FEMA. As the Federal government's Emergency Coordinator, FEMA must be able to set up fully IT-enabled field offices for hundreds of emergency managers, establish high band-width connectivity to remote locations and dynamically manage voice, data, and video services for administrative as well as disaster missions.

A key element of FEMA's ITA is the National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS). NEMIS manages disaster grant funding to individual victims, and state and local governments. Its extensive suite of integrated software and hardware has all of the features of e-government and was designed to provide the platform upon which the complete e-FEMA will be built.

ITA 2.0 is now available for online download and additional copies may be ordered via the Agency's publication warehouse by calling 1-800-480-2520.

Last Updated: Friday, 22-Oct-2004 13:16:08 EDT
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