NPS ...links to the past
Links to the Past
Collage image including Native American dance display, Frederick Douglass at home reading, a group displaying half finished skin boat, civil rights marchers, historic photo of plains indian
Cultural Groups
Cultural Groups ....

The values, beliefs and achievements of numerous cultural groups have helped to shape America . . . and continue to shape our parks today.


African Americans

Asian Americans

Hispanic Americans

Native Americans



Cultural Resources Diversity Program
Begun by the National Park Service in 1998, this project provides a solution to one of the most persistent problems in the historic preservation field: the paucity of minorities in the professional and activist ranks. Without an increase in those numbers, the historic preservation field will become marginalized and not be accorded the level of public support it deserves in the next century.

Places and Cultures
The Cultural Resources Diversity Program's website contains a section that provides a listing of historic sites and resources within and outside of the National Park Service that address diverse communities.

FIVE VIEWS: An Ethnic Historic Site Survey for California
This publication provides an opportunity to learn about California's cultural diversity -- American Indians, African Americans, Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, and Mexican Americans -- and how these cultural groups used the land.

Historical Themes for National Parks
Scroll down this site to find the parks that relate to a specific cultural group and related issues.
Ethnic Heritage: African American
Ethnic Heritage: Alaska Native
Ethnic Heritage: American Indian
Ethnic Heritage: Asian American
Ethnic Heritage: European
Ethnic Heritage: Hispanic
Ethnic Heritage: Pacific Islander
Social and Humanitarian Movements

Minority Colleges and Universities
A comprehensive listing of minority colleges and universities in the United States with links to each site.


Cultural Groups ......
African Americans


Aboard the Underground Railroad
A National Register Travel Itinerary

This web site brings alive important historic places along the
Underground Railroad that are testament of African American
capabilities. A map and descriptions of the historic places makes it easy for you to visit many of them.

Archeology of an Exoduster Neighborhood: Investigations at Brown v. Board of Education NHS
Brown v. Board of Education NHS serves as a monument to the pivotal role of the 1954 landmark U.S. Supreme court case to the larger Civil Rights Movement. Archeology conducted at Brown v. Board of Education NHS provides us with more information about earlier history and occupants of this neighborhood, from the late-19th century Exoduster movement to the early-20th Century.

African American Heritage in the Golden Crescent
On isolated coastal plantations, enslaved blacks created the unique Gullah culture, based on mixed European and African elements.

African American History Lesson Plans
These lesson plans from Teaching with Historic Places teach about important aspects of Black history. They are ready for immediate classroom use by students in history and social studies classes.

African American History Month
The National Register of Historic Places is pleased to promote awareness of and appreciation for the historical accomplishments of African Americans during African American History Month. This site showcases historic properties that commemorate the events and people, and the designs and achievements, that help illustrate African American contributions to American history. Join the National Register in paying powerful tribute to the spirit of African Americans.

African American Sailors in the Civil War Union Navy
The names and military history of approximately 18,000 African American sailors in the Civil War Union Navy have been identified and incorporated into the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS). The database was compiled from surviving personnel records such as rendezvous reports and ships' muster rolls, and then compared with the Navy's Index to Service Histories prepared by the Navy Department during the World War II era.

American Visionaries: Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass has been called the father of the civil rights movement. This exhibit features items owned by Frederick Douglass and highlights his achievements.

Bibliographic Essay on the African American West Publication
Considering the widely held assumption that the African American presence in the West was not significant until World War II, the historical literature on blacks in the region is surprisingly rich and diverse.

Buffalo Soldiers in Guadalupe Mountains National Park
Following the Civil War, African American soldiers who remained in the United States Army were organized into segregated units, including the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry Regiments.

The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System/Colored Troops
A database of over 230,000 names of the United States Colored Troops (USCT) has been developed by the NPS and its partners in the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors (CWSS) project. It has been made available in conjunction with the dedication of the African American Civil War Memorial. In addition to the 235,000 names, the current data includes 180 histories of USCT units/regiments and links to the most significant battles they fought in.

Clues to African American Life at Manassas National Battlefield Park
Check out the clues provided by archeological work at Manassas about the African Americans who lived and worked there before, during and after the Civil War.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Learn from a series of questions and answers about the history and current status of these colleges and universities.

Legends of Tuskegee
Who are the Legends of Tuskegee and what do they have in common? Booker Taliafero Washington, George Washington Carver and the Tuskegee Airmen all came to Tuskegee and created their own legends. Tuskegee is more than a town located in Macon County, Alabama. It is an idea and an ideal. It was a bold experiment and a site of major African-American achievements for over 100 years.

National Parks Associated with African Americans: An Ethnographic Perspective
Check out the interactive map that links viewers to some of the National Park units associated with African Americans. The links describe the integral roles that African Americans played in the development of American culture, heritage, and history at many national park sites, and highlight the ethnographic methods used to discover the stories described.

The Network to Freedom
Includes a history of the Underground Railroad, narratives of Underground Railroad activity, technical assistance to site owners, a forum for Underground Railroad-related community activities, links to other related web sites, and an application form to join the Network. The NPS National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program will also maintain an online database that links Underground Railroad governmental and non-governmental sites, programs, facilities, organizations and partners from around the nation.

Our Shared History
The recent growth in the study and interpretation of African American history within the National Park Service illustrates the comprehensive attempt by many park units to tell their parts of this story to the American people.

The Robinson House: A Portrait of African American Heritage
Learn how archeological research, architectural studies, and oral history reveal new insights into the changing lifeways of free African Americans. Within Manassas National Battlefield Park, the Robinson house survived in spite of the first and second battles of Manassas. As African Americans, the Robinson family found themselves embroiled in the struggles of the nation before and after that war.

Scholarship on Southern Farms and Plantations
The publication lays out some of the major changes and developments which have occurred in the scholarly interpretations of black communitities on plantations and other sites, and selectively reviews landmark works pertaining to this topic.

We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement
Visit the 41 places listed in the National Register for their association with the modern civil rights movement, as well as the Selma-to-Montgomery March route--a Department of Transportation designated "All-American Road" and a National Park Service designated National Historic Trail. This site offers some of the key historic location of the famous march.


Cultural Groups ......
African Americans


Celebrate Asian-Pacific Heritage Month
This site showcases historic properties listed in the National Register and National Park units highlighting the rich heritage of Asian and Pacific peoples in America. Join the National Register in commemorating just a few of the places where Asian and Pacific people have made history.

Asian-Pacific Heritage Lesson Plans
To celebrate Asian-Pacific Heritage, Teaching with Historic Places posted on the web complete lesson plans that consider important aspects of Asian-Pacific history. Created by National Park Service interpreters, preservation professionals, and educators, these lessons are free and ready for immediate classroom use by students in history and social studies classes.

Cultural Groups ......
Hispanic Americans


Celebrate Hispanic American Month
The National Register of Historic Places' Hispanic Heritage Month feature highlights various publications, properties listed in the National Register, and National Parks that deal directly with the ingenuity, creativity, cultural, and political experiences of Hispanic Americans. Explore the achievements of a people that have contributed so much to American culture.

Hispanic American History Lesson Plans
These lesson plans from Teaching with Historic Places teach about Hispanic American groups at different places and times in American history. These lessons are ready for immediate classroom use by students in history and social studies classes.

Spanish Colonial Research Center
The Spanish Colonial Research Center's primary purpose is to develop a computerized data base from Spanish colonial documents to serve the research needs of the National Park Service's Spanish Colonial Heritage sites as well as other appropriate federal, state and local organizations.


Cultural Groups ......
Native Americans


Alcatraz Island
Learn about Native American use of the Island over time and their occupation of the prison some thirty years ago.

American Indians Liaison Office
This office works to improve relationships between American Indian Tribes, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and the National Park Service through consultation, outreach, technical assistance, education, and advisory services.

Ancient Architects of the Mississippi
Eight hundred years ago, the lower Mississippi Delta was home to some of the most highly organized civilizations in the world. This feature tells you about life along the Mississippi at that time, builders of great mounds, and the activities of travelers and traders. It also provides you with a myriad of voices about the Delta's past.

Bois Forte Chippewa in Voyageurs National Park
Learn about this group of Ojibwe (Chippewa), and how they continued using off-reservation lands in the Voyageurs area well after treaties assigning them elsewhere were enacted. Archeology, combined with detailed study of historic records and oral history, is helping Bois Forte people reclaim some of their history lost over the last half-century.

National NAGPRA
National NAGPRA develops regulations and guidance for implementing the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA); provides administrative and staff support for the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Review Committee; assists Indian tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, and museums with the NAGPRA process; and manages a NAGPRA grants program that supports repatriation activities.

Native American Consultation Database
The Native American Consultation Database (NACD) provides an easy way to identify contacts for each of the 771 federally recognized Indian tribes, Alaska Native corporations, and Native Hawaiian organizations. You can search for contacts by name, tribe, reservation, state, country, and military installation.

Native American History Lesson Plans
These lesson plans from Teaching with Historic Places teach about different Native American cultures and their interactions with other culture groups. These lessons are ready for immediate classroom use by students in history and social studies classes.

Native Americans at Mojave National Preserve
Here, Native American history is provided from the perspective of Indian peoples. Local tribes were contacted and given the opportunity to present their own story.

Tribal Preservation Program
This program is dedicated to working with Indian tribes, Alaska Native Groups, Native Hawaiians, and national organizations, to preserve and protect resources and traditions that are of importance to Native Americans.

Cultural Groups ......


Interpreting Women's History in the National Park Service
This publication focuses on what women's history is, the current status of women's history in the national parks, new ways for scholars of women's history and NPS staff to work together, and the role of the National Park Service in the preservation, commemoration, and interpretation of the history of American women.

Places Where Women Made History
This travel itinerary highlights 74 historic properties in Massachusetts and New York that are associated with people and events in the history of American women.

Women's History Lesson Plans
These lesson plans from Teaching with Historic Places teach about the achievements of individual women, as well as women's rights. These lessons are ready for immediate classroom use by students in history and social studies classes.

Women's History Month
The National Register of Historic Places is pleased to promote awareness of and appreciation for the historical accomplishments of American women during Women's History Month. As part of the celebration, this site showcases historic properties that commemorate the events and people, and the designs and achievements, that help illustrate the contribution of women to the Nation's history. Join the National Register in paying tribute to the many women who have made an impact in our past.

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