ONR Keyword(s): search

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Enter in the information you are looking for below in the box. To search using multiple words separate each word with a comma.
(example: conference, navy)

Basic Search Tips

For more advanced searching tips you can read the Query Language page (for advanced users).

What you want to do is... Search for it by... Your results will be...
Look for words with the same prefix.
typing the * symbol after the prefix like -- key* keying, keyhole, keyboard, etc.
Search for all forms of a word.
typing ** at the end of the word like -- sink** sinking, sank, sunk
Find words close to each other
typing in NEAR, rather than AND to get a better match of the words your looking for like -- system near manager, instead of system and manager. Results will be returned ranked in order of proximity...the closer the words are together the higher the ranking of the page.
Need to retrieve specific phrases or words.
using quotation marks around words like -- "system near manager" Results will contain exact phrase -- system near manager. Without quotes, pages will be returned containing words "system" and "manager".
Refining your search for specifics
using AND or NOT keywords to excluse certain text from your search. If you are searching for all results of surfing but now surfing the Net, type in: surfing AND NOT the Net Results will show listings of pages with surfing in them, but only the ones without "the Net".


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