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Analyzing Watersheds With GIS - Answer Key

Author:  Joseph J. Kerski, USGS,, 303-202-4315

1)  [ Cheyenne River ]

2)   [ 2,801,789.8 ]

3)   [ Fourth ]

4)   [ 917,648.1 ]

5) [ Sort table on field “acres” descending. Could have queried on “Indian Reservation first , but wasn’t necessary since the desired data appears near the top of the table ]    

6)  [ 5 ]

7)  [ Lower White, Middle White, Little White, Keya Paha, Middle Niobrara ]

8)  [ 5 ]

9)  [ 5 records were selected in the intersection above and used to create 5 polygons

      when converted to a new shapefile ]

10)  [ Middle White ]

11)  [ Little White ]

12)  [ 147 rivers and creeks]

13)  [ Most water flows into the White River ]

     [ White River flows from West to East – Middle White to Lower White ]

     [ In the SouthEast of the Study Area, water flows into the Keya Paha River ]

14)  [ Lower White River ]

15)   [ No, since it displays as a much wider river on the map ]

16)  [ 90 cubic feet per second ]

17)  [ 20 minutes ]

18)  [ They show equal acreage ]

19)  [ The two values are very different now, and reflect the true acreage. ]

20)  [ Rosebud Indian Reservation ]

21)  [ Tertiary ( silt, sandstone, clay )  and Upper Cretaceous (shale, chalk)  ]

22)  [ 17 cities ]

23)   [ Rosebud CDP  with population = 1538 ]

24)   [ 11,781 ]

25)   [ In the table, highlight field “Pop100”. Bring up Field --> Statistics ]

26)   [ 2 whole counties ]

27)   [ 8 partial counties ]

28)     [ Rosebud cities ]

29)    [ unit ]

30)    [ Keya Paha ]

31)    [ Little White ]

32)    [ No ]

33)    [ visual examination of the map after selection of cities from the table ]

34)   [  In the next window,

1)      Select theme to assign data to =  RosebudCities.shp

2)       Select theme to assign data from = RosebudWatersheds.shp

3)       Finish. ]


35)   [ This operation appended to each RosebudCities record, the watershed fields for the

          watershed that contained that city ]  

36)   [ 3 cities ]

37)   [ Little White contains 8 cities ]

38)     [ 2.47 km ]

39)   [ Gregory county= 053 ]

40)   [ RosebudAgri table ]

41)    [ Jackson County  ]

42)   [There is a lot of missing data (indicated by value = -99 ) and some duplicate entries. ]

43)   [Recalculate based on shape.returnarea again, as above.  ]

44)  [ Theme Agriculture.shp has the same problem since the above table was created from this table ]  

Layout example:

Rosebud Watershed Layout Example

45) [ Watersheds cut across political boundaries and are key to the health of the region; they are affected by urban areas, climate, agriculture, and other factors.  ]


46)  [ GIS can be used to study watershed areas and their relationships to populated areas,         agriculture, geology, and land ownershipI learned how to Intersect and clip data themes to a specific shapefile using the Geoprocessing Wizard. ]

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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center
URL: /public/outreach/sgu/watershedssdlesson_answers.html
Last modified:  3 March 2004