Tom Allen - Representing Maine's First District

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Learn more about Tom's work in Congress to promote mutually beneficial trade agreements while protecting access to affordable pharmaceuticals.

Trade Policy
July 14, 2004

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Letter to President Bush signed by Congressman Allen regarding concerns about provisions in pending Latin American free trade agreements that could limit access to generic drugs, 9/30/04

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Floor Statement on the the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement, (7/14/04)

Includes a digital video clip of Representative Allen delivering the statement on the House floor
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Letter to Members from Congressmen Allen, Levin and Rangel regarding their concerns that the Australian Free Trade not serve as a precedent for future trade pacts, 07/11/04

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Letter to Members from Congressman Allen regarding the possible effects of the Australian Free Trade Agreement on Medicare, 07/09/04

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Letter to Members regarding the possible effects of the US-Australian FTA on affordable drugs, 06/25/04

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Statement on the completion of the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement, 02/10/04

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Letter to President Bush signed by Rep. Allen expressing concerns over the Administration's attempts to change Australia's national pharmaceutical reimbursment program, 01/15/04
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Brief explanation of the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme and what is at stake in the Australia-US FTA
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Letter from Rep. Allen to U.S. Trade Representative Zoellick on the Australia-US FTA and pharmaceuticals, 12/15/03
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Letter to Rep. Allen from the Embassy of Australia on the Australia-US FTA and pharmaceuticals, 12/9/03
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Allen Amendment to H.R. 1298, The Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003, 4/30/03
click here

Trade agreements should reflect our values, not just narrow commercial interests. I believe that expanding trade opportunities is a key to job growth and economic vitality in Maine and around the country. Trade policy is too often characterized as either all "good" or all "bad." The reality is in between. That is why we must craft new trade policies that recognizes the realities of the global economy, strengthens worker rights and environmental protection, and promotes the security and prosperity of a majority of Americans.

I voted against the "fast track" bill (also known as Trade Promotion Authority) approved by a narrow majority in Congress because I believe the parameters for trade negotiations it established did not reflect a proper balance. As Congress monitors trade deals, such as the FTAA, negotiated under this authority granted to President Bush, we must insist that they provide adequate protection, with equal enforcement mechanisms, for labor and environmental protection.

One area of particular concern to me is the emerging effort to include provisions in trade agreements to benefit the U.S. pharmaceutical industry that would make it harder for people in developing countries to get affordable medicines for diseases like AIDS and malaria, and could even limit Americans' access to less expensive drugs. The links on this page provide more information on these issues and on my efforts in Congress to ensure that free trade agreements are beneficial to all involved.

Information on this page will be updated periodically

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