- Institute for Health Care Research and Policy, Georgetown University


Consumer Alert

Are you a customer of American Benefit Plans (a.k.a. NAWA and UEVEBA)? Read this important consumer alert!

Are you a customer of Employers Mutual, LLC? Read this important consumer alert!

KFF Consumer Guide

News You Can Use from

Read the current issue of our newsletter, about protections consumers have – and lack – as they seek to buy and keep private health insurance.

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Consumer Guides for Getting and Keeping Health Insurance

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The Georgetown University Health Policy Institute has written A CONSUMER GUIDE FOR GETTING AND KEEPING HEALTH INSURANCE for each state and the District of Columbia – fifty-one in all. These Consumer Guides are available at this web site and will be updated periodically as changes in federal and state policy warrant.

The Guides summarize your protections, and so may not answer all of your questions. They are not a substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert before making any decisions about your own health insurance. The authors, the Health Policy Institute, and Georgetown University specifically disclaim any personal liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence of the use and application, either directly or indirectly, of any information presented herein.

We wish to thank the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for its founding support of and the following organizations for their past and ongoing support: AARP, The Commonwealth Fund, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, and the New York Community Trust.

NEW! We've recently updated the following guides online: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

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This web page is dedicated to the memory of Merit Kimball, who devoted her career to improving public understanding of health policy.

Consumer Guides for Getting and Keeping Health Insurance in Every State and the District of Columbia

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