SPARCLE Announcement.

SPARCLE Partners

MACAWS (Aircraft Lidar Experiment)

SPARCLE Homepage

GHCC Homepage


  • AC - Alternating Current
  • ACLAIM - Airborne Coherent Lidar for Advanced In-flight
  • AEOLUS - Autonomous Earth Orbiting Lidar Utility Sensor
  • AF - Air Force
  • AO - Announcement of Opportunity
  • BPLO - Back-Propagated Local Oscillator
  • CAO - Center for Applied Optics (UAH)
  • CAT - Clear Air Turbulence
  • CDWL - Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar
  • CLR - Coherent Laser Radar
  • CTI - Coherent Technologies, Incorporated
  • CW - Continuous Wave
  • DC - Direct Current
  • DCF - Detector Characterization Facility
  • DIAL - DIfferential Absorption Lidar
  • DOD - Department Of Defense
  • DOE - Diffractive Optical Element
  • DWL - Doppler Wind Lidar
  • EO-2 - Second Earth Observing Mission (NMP)
  • EOS - Earth Observing System
  • GHCC - Global Hydrology and Climate Center
  • GLOBE - GLObal Backscatter Experiment
  • HQE - Heterodyne Quantum Efficiency
  • IF - Intermediate Frequency
  • IPO - Integrated Program Office (DOD/DOC/NASA)
  • IQ - In-Phase & Quadrature
  • JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • LADAR - LAser Detection And Ranging
  • LaRC - Langley Research Center
  • LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
  • LAWS - Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder
  • LCF - Laser Characterization Facility
  • LIDAR - LIght Detection And Ranging (Laser Radar = Optical Radar)
  • LITE - Lidar In-space Technology Experiment
  • LO - Local Oscillator
  • LOS - Line Of Sight
  • MACAWS - Multi-center Airborne Coherent Atmospheric Wind Sensor
  • MSFC - Marshall Space Flight Center
  • MTPE - Mission To Planet Earth
  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • NLR - Noncoherent Laser Radar
  • NMP - New Millennium Program
  • NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency
  • NPOESS - National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental
    Satellite System
  • OSAT - Office of Space Access and Technology
  • PADL - Precision Air Drop Lidar
  • RADAR - RAdio Detection And Ranging
  • RT - Round Trip
  • SAGE - Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment
  • SAM - Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement
  • SCALE - Shuttle Coherent Atmospheric Lidar Experiment
  • SNL - Shot Noise Limited
  • SNR - Signal-to-Noise Ratio
  • SPARCLE - SPAce Readiness Coherent Lidar Experiment
  • STP - Space Test Program
  • UAH - University of Alabama in Hunstville
  • VAD - Velocity Azimuth Display

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Responsible Official: Dr. James E. Arnold ( 
Page Curator: Diane Samuelson ( 

Last Updated: December 14, 1998