SPARCLE Announcement.

SPARCLE Partners

MACAWS (Aircraft Lidar Experiment)

SPARCLE Homepage

GHCC Homepage

 Spinoff Applications for Coherent LIDAR


  • Global profiling of wind velocity, aerosol concentrations, and DIAL measurements of water vapor and other molecular concentrations. Cloud frequency and characteristics
  • Global change research - model inputs and validation
  • Numerical weather prediction - safety and fuel savings for air and sea transportation, prevention of severe weather related loss of life and property, agriculture assistance, military planning and logistics
  • Wind profiling of Mars and other solar system bodies from orbiting or surface platforms
  • Spacecraft automated rendezvous, stand off operations, docking, and capture
  • River flow, height, and width measurements
  • Pollution - study, abatement strategies, and enforcement
  • Nuclear weapons - nonproliferation monitoring and treaty enforcement
  • Remote sensing missions to other planets



  • Take-off and landing: wind shear and wake vortex detection; clear air turbulence warning
  • Cruising: route optimization for fuel efficiency, true airspeed, angle of attack, and sideslip angle measurement
  • Collision Avoidance
  • Volcanic ash detection and avoidance (using polarization)
  • Taxi way obstacle detection and avoidance
  • "Ground truth" measurements for orbiting instruments
  • Flight Testing
  • High speed commercial aircraft: inlet unstart warning and control



  • Route optimization for fuel efficiency



  • Miscellaneous:
    • River flow, height, and width measurement
    • Wind profiling for improved shuttle launch and landing safety
    • Wind profiling for ELV launch optimization
    • Wind field mapping to study effects of orographic features on planned or existing structures
    • Wind field mapping for optimum siting of energy producing windmills
    • Meteorological data acquisition
    • Laboratory research lasers
    • "Ground truth" measurements for orbiting instruments
  • Airport
    • Airport monitoring of wind turbulance, wind shear, and wake vortices
  • Automotive
    • Improved law enforcement monitoring of vehicle speed and location
    • Velocity and range remote sensing for collision avoidance
    • Doppler, range, reflectance imaging for automatic vehicle guidance
    • Wind mapping for coefficient of drag reduction research
    • Remote measurement of exhaust flow rate and composition
    • Fuel and coolant flow rate measurement
    • High speed motion measurement of engine components
  • Medical:
    • Non-invasive blood flow rate monitoring in arteries, veins, retinas, etc.
    • Non-invasive Doppler imaging of internal organs
    • Diagnostics during surgery
  • Pollution Abatement:
    • "Over the fence" pollution monitoring
    • Mass flow rate measurement of high stack emissions
    • Wind field mapping for pollution transport determination
  • Military:
    • Wind measurements for improved targeting for military ordnance, and for parachute dropped personnel and supplies
    • Weapon fire control
    • Rocket launch wind monitoring
    • Improved weather prediction for planning and logistics
    • Nuclear weapon nonproliferation monitoring
    • Take-off and landing: wind shear and wake vortex detection; clear air turbulence warning
    • Cruising: route optimization for fuel efficiency, true airspeed, angle of attack, and sideslip angle measurement
    • Automatic Target Recognition (ATR)
    • Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF)


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Responsible Official: Dr. James E. Arnold (
Page Curator: Diane Samuelson (

Last Updated: July 8, 1998