
Resources: ONR Keyword
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An ONR Keyword is a word or brief phrase that you can easily type into the "ONR Keyword" box located throughout the site. It will take you directly to the ONR page associated with that word. Some examples are:

Keyword Result
Try it now!

Takes you to the Science & Technology area
Takes you to the Acquisitions Department area
Takes you to the Media area

The keywords are not case sensitive. You can find the keywords assoicated with a page on the site by looking at the top of that page. If you see an orange colored bar like the one below then that page utilizes the keyword search capability. In the future you can immediately go to that page by typing in that keyword on any page of the site where you see the ONR Keyword field.

ONR Keyword: news

You can access the ONR Keyword field faster throughout the site (only on pages it exists) by hitting the "Alt + W" keys (in Windows) or the "CTRL + W" keys (in Mac) on your keyboard to move your cursor directly to the ONR Keyword field.


ONR logo - Goto ONR main page Skip to main content - bypasses menu