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• Putting West Africa on the Front Burner

• Liberia: A New Definition for Dysfunctional

• Turning the Tide Against Taylor

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Current Issues Briefing Summary

Eye of the Hurricane: Liberia and Instability in West Africa
U.S. Institute of Peace
Released: December 11, 2002

As armed conflict continues to spread in West Africa, what are the possible pathways to peace and stability in the region? What role does Liberia play in this problem? What are the prospects for peace and regime change in Liberia? Can the current instability and ongoing army mutiny in the Ivory Coast be traced to problems in Liberia? On December 9 the Institute held a Current Issues Briefing to examine these questions and others about the unfolding crisis in Liberia and the destabilizing influence of the Taylor regime on West Africa. Moderated by Chester Crocker, chairman of the Institute's Board of Directors, the discussion featured Africa experts William M. Bellamy, principal deputy assistant secretary of state for African affairs; former Liberian interim government president Amos C. Sawyer; and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, chairman and CEO of Kormah Investment and Development Corporation and leader of the opposition Unity Party of Liberia.

Putting West Africa on the Front Burner

Discussing the importance of stability in West Africa to the United States and the international community overall, Sawyer stated that it was time for policymakers in Washington to "put West Africa on the front burner." Sawyer pointed out that not only was West Africa important to international security concerns such as the U.S. war on terrorism, but that its experience can provide policymakers with a better understanding of the nature of conflict in the region. In particular, Sawyer argued that there is ample evidence now that Liberia—which he noted had collapsed around the end of the Cold War—is the epicenter of conflict in West Africa.

Describing the problems seen within Liberia today, Sawyer suggested that what the international community was witnessing in Liberia, and its neighbor Sierra Leone, was a severe disruption and failure of civil society. Sawyer further stressed that the depth of this crisis in Liberia could not be solved simply by holding elections and that no election in Liberia with Charles Taylor as a candidate would be free or fair.

To move forward, he advocated the creation of an international stabilization force to bring order and security to Liberia and the region. Sawyer also suggested the use of an interim governing device to move Liberia toward a healthy democratic system in a post-Taylor regime. Stressing the links between overall regional stability in West Africa and the security situation in Liberia, Sawyer pointed out that only in a secure environment can the damage to Liberia's civil society done by the Taylor regime and a decade of conflict be addressed. "Liberia," Sawyer said, "cannot be a tool for stability in West Africa with its current leadership."

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Liberia: A New Definition for Dysfunctional

Outlining the depth of the problems facing Liberia, Sirleaf lamented that "Liberia is today aptly described as a dysfunctional autocratic klepotcracy." Sirleaf went on to point out that five years after the election of Charles Taylor, reliable running water and electricity still could not be found in Monrovia, the Liberian capital, and that the state of schools, hospitals, and other vital social services around the country was deplorable. Sirleaf emphasized however, that this was not a problem of inadequate resources being available for the Taylor regime to help its people. Instead, she argued, there is a very large discrepancy between income from various revenue sources such as timber harvested from the nation's rain forests and Liberia's current budget. To illustrate this point, she noted that while exploitation of natural resources has dramatically increased over the past two decades, Liberia's budget has shrunk since the early 1980's, from about $500 million to roughly $70 million in the last reported figures&#151an approximate 85 percent decrease.

Building upon Sawyer's comments, Sirleaf stated that the breakdown of civil society and security seen in Liberia today was a tool used by the Taylor regime to control the people, an effort to "create an environment of total fear and intimidation as a means of total control of a population." In fact, seconding Sawyer's skepticism about the upcoming elections in 2003, Sirleaf questioned if Liberians should even bother to participate in elections that will be neither free nor fair. Sirleaf argued however, that restoring security, stability, and legitimacy to Liberia was crucial for the long-term stability of West Africa. "If nothing is done," she warned, "it's Cote d'Ivoire today...give it a year and Ghana will be in trouble too."

In suggesting a way forward, Sirleaf stressed that primary responsibility for restoring security and stability to Liberia falls to the Liberian people first and foremost. Emphasizing that Liberians must see the country for what it is, she advocated for Liberians and other West African leaders to stand up to evil. According to Sirleaf, "Until you [African leaders] can stand up when an African leader has wronged his own people...then you can't ask the international community to do that job for you."

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Turning the Tide Against Taylor

Wrapping up the day's presentations, Bellamy remarked that in many ways the Taylor regime resembled a gang more than a legitimate government. However, while agreeing that Liberia was an important source of conflict and instability in West Africa, he stated that diplomatic and economic sanctions imposed by the international community had been effective in curbing the predatory nature of the Taylor regime. Nevertheless, Bellamy noted that while sanctions and diplomatic tools have been useful, no sanctions regime was foolproof. In particular, he pointed out that small arms and other weapons were still flowing into Liberia virtually unabated in spite of UN sanctions.

In describing the current state of relations between the United States and Liberia Bellamy stated that the Taylor regime had recently implemented a public relations and "charm offensive"—including pledges to assist the United States in its war against terrorism. However, Bellamy stressed that this initiative had been met with widespread skepticism and that the best steps Liberia could take to improve its relations with the United States were concrete actions to improve governance.

Bellamy, in conclusion, outlined five main priorities that the United States should emphasize in its policy for dealing with the Taylor regime, promoting stability in Liberia, and addressing security concerns in West Africa:

  1. The international community must continue to maintain pressure on the Taylor regime through the use of sanctions.

  2. The United States and the international community must find ways to support and empower the democratic opposition in Liberia.

  3. The elections in 2003 must not be treated by the United States or the international community as an easy way out: the international community must steadfastly support long-term democratic reform in Liberia.

  4. The United States should continue to insist on measurable and verifiable evidence of improved governance and actions to address past and current human rights abuses by the Taylor regime.

  5. The international community must insist on making revenue flows from Liberia's timber, maritime and diamond resources&#151as well as expenditures by the Liberian government—transparent to all.

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Related Institute Online Resources

Zimbabwe and the Politics of Torture
Special Report (August 2002)

Smart Partnerships for African Development
Special Report (May 2002)

Responding to War and State Collapse in West Africa
Special Report (January 2002)

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About the Event Summary

This summary reflects the presentation and comments from " Eye of the Hurricane: Liberia and Instability in West Africa"&#151Current Issues Briefing held at the U.S. Institute of Peace December 9, 2002. 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