Bureau of Land ManagementBLM National Landscape Conservation System Web Page
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National Landscape Conservation System

Map of National Landscape Conservation System

Summary Tables of the National Landscape Conservation System

The Bureau of Land Management's National Landscape Conservation System offers some of the most remarkable landscapes found on the public lands in the American West. Many of these places have already received special recognition and protection through congressional or presidential conservation designations. The National Landscape Conservation System adds to these designations by focusing on the opportunities and management needs of these national treasures. Managing these areas is part of the multiple-use mission of the Bureau of Land Management—an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior—to sustain the health of the public lands for present and future generations. The following units are part of the National Landscape Conservation System:

- National Monuments
- National Scenic and Historical Trails
- Wild and Scenic Rivers
- Wilderness -- Wilderness Study Areas

Other Conservation Designations:
Cooperative Management and Protection Area
Forest Reserve
National Conservation Area
National Recreation Area
Outstanding Natural Area

National Landscape Conservation System Brochure

NLCS Partnership Information

If you have any questions or comments about the NLCS, please call 202-208-3516.

Last updated: 08/04/04

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