USDA Forest Service

North Central Research Station


North Central Research Station
1992 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

(651) 649-5000

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

News and Events

[image and link:] Current edition of NCNews in portable document format

NC News:

Your best source of information about our current research.  

In this edition:

Soil Carbon Reductions
$21 Million Gift to Hardwood Center
Hardwood Planting Tips
Down Woody Matter Matters
Fuels Reduction Roadshow
NC News

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader
The electronic version of the NCNews is published in portable document format (PDF).  It requires a PDF reader which is available as a free download from the Adobe website.  



USDA Forest Service - North Central Research Station
Last Modified: Thursday, 17 June 2004

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.