NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
PackagePlatformVersionModule Docs
kcc seaborg 4.0f9* KCC  Vendor
(*) Denotes limited support

KAI C++ (KCC) Compiler at NERSC

Version 4.0f (final; product discontinued)

Intel discontinued the KCC compiler, and sales stopped April 30, 2002. The full announcement is at the Intel website. The existing version of the KCC compiler will continue to be available on seaborg as is>, but there will be no future versions or bug fixes. Software updates to the AIX environment on seaborg are impacting KCC, and availability may end soon. Users are advised to migrate to the IBM VA C/C++ compiler as soon as possible and stop using KCC.

Please migrate away from KCC to either the IBM Visual Age C++ Compiler or the GNU gcc compiler instead of expending effort porting to the terminal KCC compiler on seaborg.

Page last modified: May 17 2004 14:04:13.
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