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B top
The Brain & the Actions of Cocaine, Opiates, and Marijuana, National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 1998. A slide teaching packet for teachers and health professionals. 
D top
Drogas, Juventud, e Internet--Boletín Informativo, National Drug Intelligence Center, April 2004. This Spanish language bulletin discusses the prevalence of drug-related activity on the Internet, and the threat it poses to adolescents and young adults. 
E top
Evaluation of Analytical Methodologies for Non-Intrusive Drug Testing: Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Cocaine From Hair, National Institute of Justice, December 1998. This report describes the results of the investigation of supercritical fluid extraction and it's reliability for distinguishing between environmental contamination and active drug use.   Summary
F top
Fact Sheet for Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center (CTAC), Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 1997. Provides an overview of CTAC mission and projects. 
G top
Guide to the Technologies of Concealed Weapon and Contraband Imaging and Detection, National Institute of Justice, Nicholas G. Paulter, February 2001. Describes technology that is able to detect illegal drugs, weapons, and explosives.  Summary
N top
National Drug Control Strategy, 2002, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2002. Provides an overview of Federal efforts to prevent drug use, treat America's users, and disrupt the drug market. 
National Drug Control Strategy: Counterdrug Research and Development Blueprint Update 2002, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2002. This report provides an overview of CTAC's research and development projects and the Technology Transfer Program.  
National Drug Control Strategy: Counterdrug Research and Development Blueprint Update 2003, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2003. This report provides an overview of CTAC's research and development projects and the Technology Transfer Program.   Summary
National Forensic Laboratory Information System Midyear Report 2003, Drug Enforcement Administration, September 2003. This report provides data from the National Forensic Laboratory Information System, a program that systematically collects results from drug analyses conducted by state and local forensic laboratories. 
National Forensics Lab Information System (NFLIS) 2001 Annual Report, Drug Enforcement Administration, 2002. This report provides data from NFLIS, a project that collects results from drug analyses conducted by State and local forensic labs across the country. 
National Forensics Lab Information System (NFLIS) 2000 Annual Report, Drug Enforcement Administration, 2001. This report provides data from NFLIS, a project that collects results from drug analyses conducted by State and local forensic labs across the country.  
National Forensics Lab Information System, Quarterly Report: October - December 2002, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2003. This report provides data from NFLIS, a project that collects results from drug analyses conducted by State and local forensic labs across the country.  
P top
Public Domain Drug Court Software: Functions and Utility, Bureau of Justice Assistance, February 2003. This document presents a largely nontechnical description of four public domain drug court MISs and surveys a range of information useful for supporting drug court activities. 
T top
Trace Detection of Narcotics Using A Preconcentrator/Ion Mobility Spectrometer System, National Institute of Justice, Gary A. Eiceman, Jaime E. Rodriguez, John E. Parmeter, April 2001. Presents results from experiments of a trace drug detection system using a chemical preconcentrator and associated control hardware and an ion mobility spectrometer.   Summary
U top
Use and Evaluation of Hair Analysis, Urinalysis, and Ion Mobility Spectrometry in a Juvenile Diversion Program in New Orleans, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, T. Mieczkowski, R. Mumm, and H. Connick. February 2002. This report describes the basis of the juvenile diversion process, the integration of the three drug testing technologies into the program, and the results of the application of these technologies. 
Using the Internet for Drug Abuse Prevention, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2003. The main aim of this guide is to clear the confusion and lessen the intimidation that can exist for organizations and groups taking their first steps towards creating a net based prevention initiative. 

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