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1994 Drug Use Forecasting: Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees
November 1994

Cover The 1994 DUF Annual Report differs from previous DUF reports in one important respect. Whereas prior reports showed only the frequency distribution of offense at arrest, this report includes urinalysis results (percentages positive for cocaine, marijuana, or any drug) by offense at arrest. The number of cases in a particular offense category is small for some sites. However, the overall distribution of urinalysis results by offense at arrest helps to illuminate the drugs-crime nexus in a new way. Information about the categorization of offense at arrest is provided in the Guide to the DUF site data tables below. In 1994, the DUF program collected data from 20,015 adult male booked arrestees at 23 sites in major metropolitan areas across the United States. Data from 7,839 adult female booked arrestees were collected at 21 of these sites. In addition, 12 sites collected data from 4,558 juvenile male arrestees/detainees.

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