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Northeast Wetland Flora

Purpose of the Guide

The swampbuster provision of the Food Security Act of 1985 requires the Natural Resources Conservation Service to make wetland/converted wetland determinations based on the presence of hydric soils and hydrophytic vegetation. This is necessary to assist the United States Department of Agriculture program agencies in determining producer eligibility for USDA program benefits. The material contained in this illustrated wetland guide will enable persons, regardless of their botanical background, to identify the plants included in this guide.

Three hundred species of vascular plants were chosen for inclusion in this guide by the staff biologist of the Natural Resource Conservation Service Northeast National Technical Center in Chester, Pennsylvania, after consultation with each Natural Resources Conservation Service state biologist in the northeast region.

Norman C. Melvin, State Plant Ecologist, Maryland Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Robert W. Franzen, Wildlife Biologist, Northeast Technical Center, Natural Resources Conservation Service, conducted technical review in all phases of development and publication of this document.

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