NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0137799 AWSFL008-DS3

ADVANCE Fellows Award: Investigating the Origins of Orbitally Forced
Paleoclimates: The Interplay of Climate Response, Geodynamics, Astrodynamics
and Earth Noise

Latest Amendment Date April 22, 2002
Award Number 0137799
Award Instrument Standard Grant
Program Manager Sonia Esperanca
Start Date July 1, 2002
Expires June 30, 2006 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $400707 (Estimated)
Investigator Linda A. Hinnov hinnov@jhu.edu (Principal Investigator current)
Sponsor Johns Hopkins University
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 212182695 410/516-8668
Field Application 0000099 Other Applications NEC
Program Reference Code 0000,1681,OTHR,


Hinnov 0137799

This ADVANCE Fellows career-development plan centers on an investigation of orbitally forced paleoclimate signals as carriers of first order geodynamical and astrodynamical information. Geodynamical theory predicts that the Earth's tidal dissipation and dynamical ellipticity will perturb the Earth's axial precession rate and tilt. The perturbations should appear in paleoclimatically recorded orbital modes as phasing irregularities. Observation of these irregularities depends upon the accuracy of the timescale assigned to the paleoclimate record. This typically involves adjusting an interpreted orbital signal in the record to a "target" curve based upon an assumed climate response to orbital forcing. If the target is wrong, however, timing errors will corrupt the true phasing of the recorded orbital modes. Until this source of error can be effectively managed, no firm conclusions about the Earth's physical behavior should be drawn from the paleoclimate record.

Astrodynamical theory indicates that long-period amplitude and frequency modulations in the Earth's orbital modes track planetary orbital motions; these should be detectable in very long paleoclimate signals. Some planetary orbits resonate, e.g., Earth and Mars; in the remote past, the orbits of Mars and Earth may have moved chaotically between two resonance states. Verification of this behavior using the paleoclimate record is therefore a top priority in astrodynamics. Complicating the extraction of this information, however, is low frequency "Earth noise" that can interfere with long paleoclimate signals.

To unravel these problems, a multi-task computer model will be developed that calculates insolation at any geographical location over any timescale, and is linked to adjustable rotational-orbital parameters that include effects from the Earth's tidal dissipation and dynamical ellipticity. The model will be explored in a series of sensitivity experiments, then evaluated against paleoclimate records using advanced time series analysis.

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