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Said Tayeb Jawad's Remarks
(Includes welcome by Sheryl Brown)
Audio Only Audio Only · 6M Download*
full video Full Video · 47M Download*
Running Time - 22 min

Barnett Rubin's Remarks
Audio Only Audio Only · 7M Download*
full video Full Video · 52M Download*
Running Time - 24 min

Laurel Miller's Remarks
Audio Only Audio Only · 4M Download*
full video Full Video · 36M Download*
Running Time - 14 min

Robert Perito's Remarks
Audio Only Audio Only · 3M Download*
full video Full Video · 36M Download*
Running Time - 9 min

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Current Issues Briefing

A New Afghanistan
Challenges of Governance and the Rule of Law

Kabul, Afghanistan, Dec. 7 - Voter registration and elections are conducted in Kabul province to select the 46 delegates to the Afghan Constitutional Loya Jirga. USAID provided critical funding for the process that supported operational, logistics and security planning for the voter registration and election efforts.
Voter registration and elections are conducted in Kabul province to select the 46 delegates to the Afghan Constitutional Loya Jirga in December 2003.


Thursday, January 22, 2004

2:00–4:00 PM

Dirksen Senate Office Bldg, Rm. 124
Washington, D.C.




In the aftermath of successive wars, Afghanistan has just adopted a new Constitution that lays the foundation for a system of democratic governance. On January 22 the Institute organized a special Current Issues Briefing on Capitol Hill to explore the challenges of governance and the rule of law in a new Afghanistan. Assembled experts discussed current challenges and other issues related to the establishment of the rule of law within Afghanistan, such as:

  • Challenges associated with implementation of the Constitution approved January 4; and

  • Prospects for the development of rule of law in Afghanistan, including the creation of a functioning judiciary, police force, and prison system, and the impact of the burgeoning drug trade.

The presentations were followed by questions from the floor.



  • Said Tayeb Jawad
    Ambassador, Embassy of Afghanistan

  • Barnett Rubin
    Center on International Cooperation, New York University


  • Laurel Miller
    Rule of Law Program, United States Institute of Peace

  • Robert Perito
    Rule of Law Program, United States Institute of Peace


Related Institute Resources


Democratic Constitution Making
(Special Report, July 2003)

The Road Ahead: Lessons in Nation Building from Japan, Germany, and Afghanistan for Postwar Iraq
(Special Report, May 2003)

Unfinished Business in Afghanistan: Warlordism, Reconstruction, and Ethnic Harmony
(Special Report, April 2003)

Democratic Constitution Making
(Special Report, July 2003)

Assorted Online Resources

Religious Extremism and Governance in South Asia: Internal and External Pressures
(Archived Audio and Video,
May 2003)

Free and Independent Media: A Forgotten Aspect of Afghan Recovery?
(Institute Newsbyte,
October 2002)

Afghanistan Web Links
(Library Web Links)



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