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Focus on Iraq

Focus on Iraq

Collection of Institute resources related to the current crisis in Iraq.

Recent public events have featured a host of distinguished speakers from the public, private, and non-profit sectors including: Catherine Bertini, United Nations World Food Program; Paul Bremer, MMC Enterprise Risk; Martha Crenshaw, Wesleyan University; Lisa Dickieson, American Bar Association; James Dobbins, U.S. special envoy for Afghanistan; M. Nabil Fahmy, Egyptian ambassador; Karl F. Inderfurth, former assistant secretary of state for South Asian affairs; Samuel Lewis, former U.S. ambassador to Israel; Andrew Natsios, U.S. Agency for International Development; Ahmed Rashid, Far Eastern Economic Review; Nasreen Mustafa Sideek, minister of reconstruction and development, Kurdistan Regional Government; Zalman Shoval, former Israeli ambassador; and Shibley Telhami, University of Maryland.

Recent Public Events (by topic or region)

Afghanistan and South Asia

"Is Afghanistan Ready for Elections?" February 2004

A Current Issues Briefing examining the difficulties involved in creating the conditions for free and fair elections by June 2004.
Archived audio and video available

"A New Afghanistan: Challenges of Governance and the Rule of Law" January 2004

A special Current Issues Briefing on Capitol Hill exploring the challenges of governance and the rule of law in a new Afghanistan.
Archived audio available

"A Special Address by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf" June 2003

Following his meeting with President Bush, President Musharraf discussed the future of U.S.-Pakistani relations at a special address hosted by the U.S. Institute of Peace.
Text of remarks and archived audio available

"Beyond the Radar Screen: Afghanistan's Civil War and the Rise of International Terrorism" June 2003

A project report by Roy Gutman examining the gaps between what we now know about was happening in Afghanistan prior to the attacks of September 11, 2001 and how journalists and human rights organizations perceived the situation at the time.
Summary and archived audio available

"Religious Extremism and Governance in South Asia: Internal and External Pressures" May 2003

A Current Issues Briefing examining how U.S. policymakers can assist regional allies in maintaining international security, peace, and stability in South Asia.
Summary and archived audio and video available

"Food Security in Afghanistan: Reports from the Field" November 2002

A Current Issues Briefing exploring the outlook for food security as Afghanistan heads into its second winter since the fall of the Taliban.
Summary and archived audio available

"Afghanistan: Prospects for Free & Independent Media" September 2002

A Current Issues Briefing featuring acclaimed Pakistani journalist and best selling author Ahmed Rashid on what the international community can do to help foster the growth of a free and independent media in Afghanistan.
Summary and archived audio and video available

Afghan Interim Prime Minister Hamid Karzai, left, greets an Afghan orphan girl, during a goodwill visit to the Alawuddin Orphanage in Kabul. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)"Afghanistan and the Future of Post-Conflict Reconstruction" September 2002

A panel discussion as part of the Institute conference "9/11: A Year On" featuring Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Special Envoy to Afghanistan; Barnett Rubin, New York University; and Michael Sheehan, UN Assistant Secretary General.
Archived audio available

"Prospects for Peace in South Asia" September 2002

A panel discussion as part of the Institute conference "9/11: A Year On" featuring Strobe Talbott, Brookings Institution; Nayan Chanda, Yale University; and Christina Rocca, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State.
Archived audio and written remarks by Rocca available

"Afghanistan: A Regional Perspective" May 2002

A Current Issues Briefing exploring the regional politics of reconstruction in Afghanistan with William Milam, former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, and Joseph Presel, former U.S. ambassador to Uzbekistan.
Archived audio and video available

"Afghanistan: Prospects for Justice" May 2002

A Current Issues Briefing examining the prerequisites for the establishment of a secure and accountable judicial system with a panel of legal specialists.
Archived audio and video available

"Afghanistan: Women in Government and Society" January 2002

A Current Issues Briefing looking at the the prospects for inclusion of women in Afghan government and society in the years ahead.
Summary and archived audio and video available

"Afghanistan: Prospects for Peace and Reconstruction" January 2002

A Current Issues Briefing with Amb. James Dobbins, U.S. special envoy for Afghanistan and exploring the challenges confronting Afghans and the international community as they strive to put a permanent government in place in Afghanistan.
Proceedings transcript and archived audio and video available

"Afghanistan: The Humanitarian Response" November 2001

A Current Issues Briefing featuring Catherine Bertini, United Nations World Food Program and Andrew Natsios, U.S. Agency for International Development on how humanitarian relief efforts can contribute to developing an agenda for Afghanistan's reconstruction.
Archived audio and video available

"Afghanistan: Players, Politics, and Prospects" November 2001

A Current Issues Briefing with Patricia Gossman, Karl F. Inderfurth, Anatol Lieven, and Ahmed Rashid examining the regional and national players vying for control in Afghanistan.
Proceedings transcript and archived audio and video available

Photo: Afghan Interim Prime Minister Hamid Karzai, left, greets an Afghan orphan girl, during a goodwill visit to the Alawuddin Orphanage in Kabul. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

Middle East

"Iraqi Oil Revenues: 'Managing the Devil's Excrement'" January 2004

An Institute roundtable discussing the challenges to oil revenue management in Iraq.
Institute Newsbyte and archived audio and video available

"Religious Politics in Iraq - Part II" December 2003

A Current Issues Briefing exploring some of the dynamics of religion and politics in Iraq.
Institute Newsbyte and archived audio and video available

"Iraq: Securing the Peace" July 2003

An Institute congressional briefing examining the challenge of securing the peace in Iraq.
Institute Newsbyte available

"Establishing Justice and the Rule of Law in Iraq: A Blueprint for Action" May 2003

A Current Issues Briefing exploring a possible blueprint for establishing justice and the rule of law in Iraq.
Summary and archived audio available

"Religious Politics in Iraq" May 2003

A Current Issues Briefing discussing some of the dynamics of religion and politics in Iraq.
Archived audio available

"Post-War Iraq and Beyond: The UN's Role" May 2003

A Current Issues Briefing with U.S. Alternative Representative to the United Nations Richard Williamson examining potential roles for the United Nations in post-war Iraq and beyond.
Summary and archived audio and video available

"Post-War Iraq: The Immediate Imperatives" April 2003

A Current Issues Briefing examining the post-war situation in Iraq moves, what needs to be done right away to stabilize the country, and who needs to do it.
Summary and archived audio and video available

"The Role of Faith in Promoting Peace in the Middle East" April 2003

A special workshop on Capitol Hill to engage participants in an exploration of the potential role for faith, and the faithful, in promoting peace in the Middle East.
Event overview available

"Humanitarian Responses to a War in Iraq" February 2003

A Current Issues Briefing exploring the challenges of providing humanitarian assistance to post-Hussein Iraq.
Archived audio and video available

"Sectarian Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Iraq" February 2003

A Current Issues Briefing examining the challenges of providing humanitarian assistance to post-Hussein Iraq.
Summary and archived audio available

"A Special Address by Ambassador of France to the United States Jean-David Levitte on Iraq" February 2003

A Current Issues Briefing with French Ambassador Jean-David Levitte on France's position on Iraq.
Archived audio and video available

" A Special Address by Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage on Iraq" January 2003

A Current Issues Briefing with Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage on Iraq the crisis with Iraq.
Remarks and archived audio and video available

"Would an Invasion of Iraq Be a "Just War"?" December 2002

A Religion and Peacemaking Workshop featuring a distinguished panel of experts on religion, ethics, and international conflict.
Archived audio available

"Marshland Arabs of Iraq: Hussein's Lesser Known Victims" November 2002

A Current Issues Briefing exploring the effect of Hussein's polices on the Ma'dan or Marsh Arabs of Iraq.
Summary and archived audio available

"Iraq After Hussein: A Road Map for Transition" November 2002

A Current Issues Briefing exploring options for affecting a smooth transition to a new and more stable government and economy in Iraq.
Archived audio and video available

"Crisis in the Middle East: The Israeli View" April 2002

A Current Issues Briefing with former Israeli ambassador Zalman Shoval and former U.S. ambassador to Israel and former Institute president Samuel Lewis examining tensions in the Middle East.
Archived audio and video available

"Prospects for Peace in the Middle East" September 2002

A panel discussion as part of the Institute conference "9/11: A Year On" featuring Shibley Telhami, University of Maryland; Geoffrey Kemp, Nixon Center; and Martin Indyk, Brookings Institution.
Archived audio available

"Crisis in the Middle East: The Israeli View" April 2002

A Current Issues Briefing with former Israeli ambassador Zalman Shoval and former U.S. ambassador to Israel and former Institute president Samuel Lewis examining tensions in the Middle East.
Archived audio and video available

"Crisis in the Middle East: Spinning out of Control?" April 2002

A Current Issues Briefing featuring Egyptian ambassador M. Nabil Fahmy; Lebanese ambassador Farid Abboud; and Hassan Abdel Rahman of the Palestine Liberation Organization examining tensions in the Middle East.
Archived audio and video available

Philippines and Indonesia

"The War Against Terrorism in the Philippines" April 2002

A Current Issues Briefing on the struggle with terrorism in the Philippines featuring Philippine Senate minority leader Sen. Aquilino Pimentel from Mindanao; Amina Rasul-Bernardo, U.S. Institute of Peace senior fellow; and Richard H. Solomon, Institute president and former U.S. ambassador to the Philippines.
Archived audio available


"Ijtihad: Reinterpreting Islamic Principles for the 21st Century" March 2004

A Religion and Peacemaking Workshop exploring the concept of Ijtihad and the challenge of reinterpreting Islamic principles for the 21st century.
Archived audio and video available

"Islam and Democracy" June 2002

A Religion and Peacemaking workshop on the relationship between Islam and democracy co-moderated by Radwan Masmoudi of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy and David Smock of the Religion and Peacemaking Initiative, U.S. Institute of Peace.
Summary and archived audio and video available

An election banner in the Spring 2000 Iranian elections reads: "Obtaining Women's Rights, Freedom of Thought, and Social Justice." Photo by Jon B. Alterman. Translation courtesy of Jon B. Alterman and Bernard Lynch.
"Women and Islam" June 2002

A roundtable discussion featuring perspectives from a panel of experts on the role women are playing in Islamic societies around the globe.
Archived audio available

"The Role of Faith in Peacemaking: An Islamic Perspective" November 2001

A Religion and Peacemaking workshop on the relationship between religion and peacemaking co-chaired by Abdul Aziz Said, American University, and David Smock of the Institute's Religion and Peacemaking Initiative.
Archived audio and video available

Photo: An election banner in the Spring 2000 Iranian elections reads: "Obtaining Women's Rights, Freedom of Thought, and Social Justice." (Photo by Jon B. Alterman. Translation courtesy of Jon B. Alterman and Bernard Lynch. )

Political Violence & Terrorism

"Global Terrorism After the Iraq War" June 2003

A Current Issues Briefing featuring a panel of experts on U.S. national security and global terrorism on the challenges facing the United States in combating global terrorism in the wake of the Iraq war.
Institute Newsbyte and archived audio available

"Biosecurity: Assessing Strategies to Prevent the Misuse of Dangerous Pathogens" June 2003

A project report by Jonathan Tucker on what the international community can do to help prevent a bioterrorist attack.
Summary and archived audio available

"The War on Terrorism a Year On" September 2002

A panel discussion as part of the Institute conference "9/11: A Year On" featuring Paul Bremer, Marsh and McLennan Companies; Brian Jenkins, RAND; and Paul Pillar, National Intelligence Council.
Archived audio available

"Negotiating with Terrorists: Lessons from Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, and Israel-Palestine" May 2002

A Current Issues Briefing exploring the lessons learned from peace negotiations and related political violence in Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, and Israel-Palestine featuring John Darby, Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame; John Wallach, Seeds of Peace; and E. Valentine Daniel , Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University.
Archived audio and video available

"Islamic Extremists: How Do They Mobilize Support?" April 2002

A Current Issues Briefing examining how extremists in South Asia and the Middle East increasingly exploit religion to justify political violence and terrorism.
Archived audio available

"Terrorism on Trial: Examining International Legal Tools in the War Against Terrorism" December 2001

A Current Issues Briefing featuring former U.S. ambassador for war crimes issues David Scheffer and a panel of legal experts exploring legal tools available in the war against international terrorism.
Archived audio and video available

"Coping with Terrorism: Challenges and Responses" September 2001

A special Current Issues Briefing examining the challenges and potential options for combating international terrorism featuring political violence experts Paul Bremer III, managing director, MMC Enterprise Risk; Daniel Benjamin, Center for Strategic and International Studies; political psychologist Jerrold Post; Bruce Hoffman, RAND Corporation; H. Allen Holmes, counterterrorism expert; Martha Crenshaw, Wesleyan University; and Shibley Telhami, University of Maryland.
Archived audio available

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