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H. J. Andrews LTER


Test Site Information

Site Name: H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest LTER
Latitude: 44.23 N
Longitude: 122.18 W
Site Managed By: United States Forest Service
Point of Contact: Carol Wood
USDA Forest Service
PNW Research Station
3200 SW Jefferson
Corvallis, OR 97331 USA
Phone: 508-724-3302
Point of Contact #2: Mary Martin
University of New Hampshire
Complex Systems Research Center
Morse Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (503)-737-4286
Site Operating Since: 1948
Affiliated Programs: Oregon State University
Willamette National Forest
Elevation Range: 400 - 1630 meters
Annual Precipitation: 223 cm
Mean Summer Temp.: 3 C
Mean Winter Temp.: 16 C
Seasonality: Mild wet winter, warm dry summer
Predominant Vegetation: Tsuga heterophylla and subalpine (Abies spp.) forest.
Site Data Source: Forest Science Laboratory
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Site Data Types: Maps of geology, soils, geomorphology, fire history Meteorological and physical measures including radiation, temperature, wind, precipitation, snow cover, soil water, groundwater level, watershed discharge, stream morphology Atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic chemistry Terrestrial and aquatic primary production and decomposition Terrestrial and aquatic population records
Data Access:

The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest is a site in the U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF) Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network. The Andrews LTER program is the hub of a $2.5 million per year Andrews Ecosystem Research program, managed cooperatively by Oregon State University (OSU), U.S. Forest Service Research (USFS-R), and the Willamette National Forest (USFS). Through grants and cooperative working arrangements the Andrews LTER engages over 50 scientists working for or supported by numerous governmental agencies and universities. A variety of institutional partnerships have greatly enhanced the site's capability in GIS, remote sensing, and modeling.

The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest is located in the Cascade Range and the Douglas fir dominated coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest (PNW). The Andrews Forest was established on U.S. Forest Service land in predominantly old growth natural forest (>400 years). The site includes portions of the Tsuga heterophylla and subalpine (Abies spp.) forest zones that stretch along the Cascades, Klamath, and Coastal mountains from Canada into northern California. The Cascade Range is dominantly volcanic, and the other ranges include sedimentary and metamorphic rocks in addition. In some significant senses the Andrews is representative of many of these biotic, physiographic, and geologic features. Climate conditions in Andrews strongly reflect northeast Pacific circulation patterns at the time scales of years to a decade.

The Andrews "region" can be viewed as areas within a nested series of scales delimited in terms of watershed boundaries, physiographic province, vegetation type, and functional links. From a watershed perspective the Andrews site resides within the largely-forested McKenzie River basin (3500 km2) which is a municipal water supply. The McKenzie is located within the Willamette River system (29,000 km2) which includes major metropolitan areas and extensive agriculture. The Willamette River is tributary to the Columbia which flows to the Pacific. Disregarding watershed boundaries, Andrews regions can be defined as: 1) central Cascades subregion, a million hectare area of predominantly forest land in a mixture of Federal and private ownership where many studies centered on the Andrews are in progress, 2) the range of the northern spotted owl (western halves of Oregon and Washington and northwestern California) which has strong biological commonalities and for which conservation strategies for many species, old-growth ecosystems, and fish habitat have been prepared, 3) western temperate forest biome or Cascadia, extending from the coast east to the northern Rockies and including the full Columbia River basin, 4) the PNW-North Pacific Ocean Bioclimatic region.

The theme of Andrews ecosystem research is to understand and contrast effects of land use (principally forest cutting and roads), natural disturbances (principally wildfire and geomorphic processes), and climate change on key ecosystem properties. Key properties of interest include hydrology, carbon and nitrogen cycling, biological diversity, albedo, trace gas exchange, and site productivity. Significant components of Andrews work occurs at the regional scale, taking advantage of the 6400 ha. Andrews landscape.

The Andrews LTER group has underway a series of studies at the subregional to regional scales. An network of long-term vegetation plots (1 ha. stands) distributed through the Pacific Northwest provides a 10 to 80 year record of forest development. Cooperating scientists are examining vegetation properties in the the Forest Service's Forest Inventory grid plot network extending throughout Oregon's forests. A major, NASA-sponsored project using remote sensing to determine forest condition (age class and hardwood/conifer composition) and carbon storage change for 1972-1992 covers the western halves of Oregon and Washington. This study is augmented by a regional compilation of information on soil carbon, forest site productivity, and elements of land use history predating the remote sensing record. A second NASA-sponsored project is addressing implications of change in forest habitat for selected taxa of birds and mammals in parts of this area. Other studies underway include effects of logging and road construction on peak stream flows and stream ecosystems in a series of large and small watersheds in the central Cascades of Oregon, land ownership/use relations in the central Coast Range and Cascades of western Oregon, and wildfire history based on compilation of dendrochronology-based studies along the Cascades of Oregon and Washington.

Landcover Map GIF Image: generated by site PI.

Class # Description Color (R,G,B)
1 WaterDark Blue (0,0,255)
2 Snow/IceWhite (255,255,255)
3 Topographic Shadow Black (0,0,0)
4 Open Forest (30% cover)Brown (160,100,40)
5Semi Open Forest (30-85% cover)Tan(216,167,116)
6 Closed Forest(over 85% cover)Red (255,0,0)
7 Conifer (80 yrs)Yellow (255,255,0)
8 Conifer (80-200 yrs)Green (0,255,0)
9 Conifer (200+ yrs)Blue Green (0,194,149)

Product Request for the H. J. Andrews LTER GLCTS Product

Go to GLCTS Project Server

H. J. Andrews Header File

Project Description:

The purpose of the Global LandCover Test Sites (GLCTS) project is to develop a multitemporal and multi-resolution satellite data set for a selection of global test sites to support the research development of land cover characterization and the testing and validation of improved algorithms for EOS. The sites selected represent a wide range of global land cover types, are well characterized on the ground with on-going field-based monitoring programs, and are of interest to the international global change research community. The primary component of the data set will be historical and recent Landsat data and a series of daily AVHRR 1km data acquisitions in a 500 Km by 500 Km window centered on the site. Digital elevation data and land cover information will be also included for each site.

As with all the Pathfinder projects, this activity will help provide experience with which to develop the data and information system for EOS. In particular, problems associated with developing registered multi-resolution and multi-source data sets, providing tools for data extraction, and developing the appropriate metadata and information management systems will be addressed. The targeted user-community for this product includes: researchers developing regional and global scale land cover assessments; researchers developing improved algorithm for surface parameterization; and field scientists working at the test sites wanting to explore the application of remote sensing.

Site Description:

The H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest is part of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation. The site is located in the Douglas fir dominated coniferous forests of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. The theme of Andrews ecosystem research is to understand and contrast effects of land use, natural disturbances, and climate change on key ecosystem properties. Properties of interest include hydrology, carbon and nitrogen cycling, biological diversity, albedo, trace gas exchange, and site productivity. Through grants and cooperative working arrangements the Andrews LTER engages over 50 scientists who work for or are supported by numerous governmental agencies and universities.

Data Format and Organization:

Data is distributed on a series of low-density 8 mm tapes, organized by data type. A copy of this header file is the first record on each tape and it will also include specific format and organization data for each tape.

Tape 1 (ancillary, gif, dem data and first 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
Ancillary Data: A full text description of the ongoing research at the site and a listing of available LANDSAT scenes.
Landcover Map GIF Image: generated by site PI.
Class # Description Color (R,G,B)
1 WaterDark Blue (0,0,255)
2 Snow/IceWhite (255,255,255)
3 Topographic Shadow Black (0,0,0)
4 Open Forest (30% cover)Brown (160,100,40)
5Semi Open Forest (30-85% cover)Tan(216,167,116)
6 Closed Forest(over 85% cover)Red (255,0,0)
7 Conifer (80 yrs)Yellow (255,255,0)
8 Conifer (80-200 yrs)Green (0,255,0)
9 Conifer (200+ yrs)Blue Green (0,194,149)
Class # Description Color (R,G,B)
1 WaterDark Blue (0,0,255)
2 Snow/IceWhite (255,255,255)
3 Topographic Shadow Black (0,0,0)
4 Open Forest (30% cover)Brown (160,100,40)
5Semi Open Forest (30-85% cover)Tan(216,167,116)
6 Closed Forest(over 85% cover)Red (255,0,0)
7 Conifer (80 yrs)Yellow (255,255,0)
8 Conifer (80-200 yrs)Green (0,255,0)
9 Conifer (200+ yrs)Blue Green (0,194,149)
DEM in UTM projection, north up orientation: Datum used to create the DEM.
Three arc-second (90 meters) Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) used to create DEM. Elevation in meters above mean sea-level, horizontal resolution is 130 meters, vertical resolution is +/- 30 meters and resolution accuracy absolute to WGS - 72 (90% Assurance).
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 2 (middle 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 3 (last 1/3 of AVHRR data):

Readme/header file
AVHRR data in band sequential order: channels 1 - 5, NDVI, solar zenith angle, viewing angle, relative azimuth angle; UTM projection, North up orientation.

Tape 4 (MSS scenes 1 - 4):

Readme/header file
MSS scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 3 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 4 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 5 (MSS scenes 5 - 8):

Readme/header file
MSS scene 5 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 6 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 7 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.
MSS scene 8 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 4; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 6 (TM scene 1):

Readme/header file
TM scene 1 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 7 (TM scene 2):

Readme/header file
TM scene 2 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

Tape 8 (TM scene 3):

Readme/header file
TM scene 3 in band sequential order: channels 1 - 7; UTM projection, north up orientation.

H. J. Andrews LTER AVHRR Tape 1 Directory

[HEADER Data record info:]
File 1: Readme Header File, 9507 bytes

[Ancillary Data record info:]
File 2: Ancillary data (ascii format), 22244 bytes

[Landcover Map GIF image record info:]
File 3: Landcover Map GIF image, 159184 bytes

142 Lines 140 Samples 8-bit data

[DEM record info:]
File 4: USGS DCW DEM, 65300508 bytes
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.1505E+06 3.3417E+05
URCorner: 5.1505E+06 8.5491E+05
LLCorner: 4.6428E+06 3.3417E+05
LRCorner: 4.6428E+06 8.5491E+05
5642 Lines 5787 Samples [90 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.1490E+06 2.9700E+05
URCorner: 5.1490E+06 8.1900E+05
LLCorner: 4.6420E+06 2.9700E+05
LRCorner: 4.6420E+06 8.1900E+05
508 Lines 523 Samples [1000 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

File 5: ao11040692215027 4782312 Bytes
File 6: ao11041092224622 4782312 Bytes
File 7: ao11042292220104 4782312 Bytes
File 8: ao11062392230648 4782312 Bytes
File 9: ao11062792221532 4782312 Bytes
File 10 ao11062992215033 4782312 Bytes
File 11: ao11070192231200 4782312 Bytes
File 12: ao11071492220937 4782312 Bytes
File 13: ao11071892230836 4782312 Bytes
File 14: ao11071992225522 4782312 Bytes
File 15: ao11072392220101 4782312 Bytes
File 16: ao11072492215021 4782312 Bytes
File 17: ao11072792230016 4782312 Bytes
File 18: ao11072892224716 4782312 Bytes
File 19: ao11072992223434 4782312 Bytes
File 20: ao11073092222154 4782312 Bytes
File 21: ao11073192220915 4782312 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

H. J. Andrews LTER AVHRR Tape 2 Directory

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.1490E+06 2.9700E+05
URCorner: 5.1490E+06 8.1900E+05
LLCorner: 4.6420E+06 2.9700E+05
LRCorner: 4.6420E+06 8.1900E+05
508 Lines 523 Samples [90 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

File 1: Readme Header File, 9523 bytes
File 2: ao11080192215316 4782312 Bytes
File 3: ao11080592225204 4782312 Bytes
File 4: ao11081492224359 4782312 Bytes
File 5: ao11081692221838 4782312 Bytes
File 6: ao11081892215003 4782312 Bytes
File 7: ao11082492222325 4782312 Bytes
File 8: ao11091692224948 4782312 Bytes
File 9: ao11091792223706 4782312 Bytes
File 10: ao11091892222440 4782312 Bytes
File 11: ao11091992221200 4782312 Bytes
File 12: ao11092092215937 4782312 Bytes
File 13: ao11092592224139 4782312 Bytes
File 14: ao11092692222856 4782312 Bytes
File 15: ao11092792221630 4782312 Bytes
File 16: ao11092892220128 4782312 Bytes
File 17: ao11100592222051 4782312 Bytes
File 18: ao11100692220832 4782312 Bytes
File 19: ao11101292223758 4782312 Bytes
File 20: ao11101492220956 4782312 Bytes
File 21: ao11102192222945 4782312 Bytes
File 22: ao11102292221704 4782312 Bytes
File 23: ao11102392220440 4782312 Bytes
File 24: ao11102992223223 4782312 Bytes
File 25: ao11110792222540 4782312 Bytes
File 26: ao11110892221313 4782312 Bytes
File 27: ao11111592222951 4782312 Bytes
File 28: ao11111692221724 4782312 Bytes
File 29: ao11112292224659 4782312 Bytes
File 30: ao11112392223416 4782312 Bytes
File 31: ao11112492222058 4782312 Bytes
File 32: ao11112592220838 4782312 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

H. J. Andrews LTER AVHRR Tape 3 Directory

[AVHRR Data records info:]
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.1490E+06 2.9700E+05
URCorner: 5.1490E+06 8.1900E+05
LLCorner: 4.6420E+06 2.9700E+05
LRCorner: 4.6420E+06 8.1900E+05
508 Lines 523 Samples [90 Meter Pixels] 16-bit data

The AVHRR scene id format consists of a combination of the following fields:
Field Name Type Length Description
Receiving MethodString2An indicator to tell whether the data was received real-time from the satellite or recorded.
Valid codes include:
AO = Orbital pass, a possible mix of HRPT and LAC acquired data.
AH = HRPT 1km High Resolution Picture Transmission (real-time).
AL = HRPT 1km Local Area Coverage(recorded).
Satellite NumberString2The number of the AVHRR satellite which acquired the data.
Acquisition DateDate6The date this data was acquired by the satellite.
Format = MMDDYY
Where M = Month, D = Day, Y = Year.
Acq. Start TimeNumeric6The start time (GMT) when this data was acquired.
Format = HHMMSS
Where H = Hours, M = Minutes, S = Seconds.

File 1: Readme Header File, 9714 Bytes
File 2: ao11120192223642 4782312 Bytes
File 3: ao11120292222552 4782312 Bytes
File 4: ao11120392220953 4782312 Bytes
File 5: ao11121092222910 4782312 Bytes
File 6: ao11121192221726 4782312 Bytes
File 7: ao11122692223623 4782312 Bytes
File 8: ao11122792222521 4782312 Bytes
File 9: ao11122892221226 4782312 Bytes
File 10: ao11010393224015 4782312 Bytes
File 11: ao11010493222628 4782312 Bytes
File 12: ao11011093225835 4782312 Bytes
File 13: ao11011393222008 4782312 Bytes
File 14: ao11012093223625 4782312 Bytes
File 15: ao11012193222119 4782312 Bytes
File 16: ao11012793225100 4782312 Bytes
File 17: ao11013093221233 4782312 Bytes
File 18: ao11020493225455 4782312 Bytes
File 19: ao11020693222908 4782312 Bytes
File 20: ao11021293230145 4782312 Bytes
File 21: ao11021393224859 4782312 Bytes
File 22: ao11021493223301 4782312 Bytes
File 23: ao11021593222401 4782312 Bytes
File 24: ao11021893233157 4782312 Bytes
File 25: ao11022193225303 4782312 Bytes
File 26: ao11022393222400 4782312 Bytes
File 27: ao11030393222748 4782312 Bytes
File 28: ao11030793232649 4782312 Bytes
File 29: ao11030993225720 4782312 Bytes
File 30: ao11031093224555 4782312 Bytes
File 31: ao11031193223336 4782312 Bytes
File 32: ao11031893224756 4782312 Bytes
File 33: ao11031993223508 4782312 Bytes
File 34: ao11032093222244 4782312 Bytes
File 35: ao11032593230852 4782312 Bytes
File 36: ao11032693225247 4782312 Bytes
File 37: ao11032793223850 4782312 Bytes
File 38: ao11032893222603 4782312 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

H. J. Andrews LTER MSS Tape 1 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029008717790
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0439E+06 3.8703E+05
URCorner: 5.0439E+06 6.2666E+05
LLCorner: 4.8355E+06 3.8703E+05
LRCorner: 4.8355E+06 6.2666E+05
3656 Lines 4205 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 1: Readme Header File, 9158 bytes
File 2: 06/26/1987 = 5046029008717790 (P46/R29) Band1 15373480 Bytes
File 3: 06/26/1987 = 5046029008717790 (P46/R29) Band2 15373480 Bytes
File 4: 06/26/1987 = 5046029008717790 (P46/R29) Band3 15373480 Bytes
File 5: 06/26/1987 = 5046029008717790 (P46/R29) Band4 15373480 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029008719390
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0439E+06 3.8703E+05
URCorner: 5.0439E+06 6.2666E+05
LLCorner: 4.8355E+06 3.8703E+05
LRCorner: 4.8355E+06 6.2666E+05
3656 Lines 4205 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 6: 07/12/1987 = 5046029008719390 (P46/R29) Band1 15373480 Bytes
File 7: 07/12/1987 = 5046029008719390 (P46/R29) Band2 15373480 Bytes
File 8: 07/12/1987 = 5046029008719390 (P46/R29) Band3 15373480 Bytes
File 9: 07/12/1987 = 5046029008719390 (P46/R29) Band4 15373480 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029008724190
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0439E+06 3.8703E+05
URCorner: 5.0439E+06 6.2666E+05
LLCorner: 4.8355E+06 3.8703E+05
LRCorner: 4.8355E+06 6.2666E+05
3656 Lines 4205 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 10: 08/29/1987 = 5046029008724190 (P46/R29) Band1 15373480 Bytes
File 11: 08/29/1987 = 5046029008724190 (P46/R29) Band2 15373480 Bytes
File 12: 08/29/1987 = 5046029008724190 (P46/R29) Band3 15373480 Bytes
File 13: 08/29/1987 = 5046029008724190 (P46/R29) Band4 15373480 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029008727390
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0439E+06 3.8703E+05
URCorner: 5.0439E+06 6.2666E+05
LLCorner: 4.8355E+06 3.8703E+05
LRCorner: 4.8355E+06 6.2666E+05
3656 Lines 4205 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 14: 09/30/1987 = 5046029008727390 (P46/R29) Band1 15373480 Bytes
File 15: 09/30/1987 = 5046029008727390 (P46/R29) Band2 15373480 Bytes
File 16: 09/30/1987 = 5046029008727390 (P46/R29) Band3 15373480 Bytes
File 17: 09/30/1987 = 5046029008727390 (P46/R29) Band4 15373480 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

H. J. Andrews LTER MSS Tape 2 Directory

Landsat Scene ID Definition:

FFWRS offset (default to 00)
DDDJulian date of acquistion
M Instrument mode (1 = TM, 9 = MSS)
NInstrument multiplexor (0 = satellites 1-5)

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029008810090
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0439E+06 3.8703E+05
URCorner: 5.0439E+06 6.2666E+05
LLCorner: 4.8355E+06 3.8703E+05
LRCorner: 4.8355E+06 6.2666E+05
3656 Lines 4205 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 1: Readme Header File, 9154 bytes
File 2: 04/09/1988 = 5046029008810090 (P46/R29) Band1 15373480 Bytes
File 3: 04/09/1988 = 5046029008810090 (P46/R29) Band2 15373480 Bytes
File 4: 04/09/1988 = 5046029008810090 (P46/R29) Band3 15373480 Bytes
File 5: 04/09/1988 = 5046029008810090 (P46/R29) Band4 15373480 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029008816490
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0439E+06 3.8703E+05
URCorner: 5.0439E+06 6.2666E+05
LLCorner: 4.8355E+06 3.8703E+05
LRCorner: 4.8355E+06 6.2666E+05
3656 Lines 4205 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 6: 06/12/1988 = 5046029008816490 (P46/R29) Band1 15373480 Bytes
File 7: 06/12/1988 = 5046029008816490 (P46/R29) Band2 15373480 Bytes
File 8: 06/12/1988 = 5046029008816490 (P46/R29) Band3 15373480 Bytes
File 9: 06/12/1988 = 5046029008816490 (P46/R29) Band4 15373480 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029008821290
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0439E+06 3.8703E+05
URCorner: 5.0439E+06 6.2666E+05
LLCorner: 4.8355E+06 3.8703E+05
LRCorner: 4.8355E+06 6.2666E+05
3656 Lines 4205 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 10: 07/30/1988 = 5046029008821290 (P46/R29) Band1 15373480 Bytes
File 11: 07/30/1988 = 5046029008821290 (P46/R29) Band2 15373480 Bytes
File 12: 07/30/1988 = 5046029008821290 (P46/R29) Band3 15373480 Bytes
File 13: 07/30/1988 = 5046029008821290 (P46/R29) Band4 15373480 Bytes

[MSS Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029008824490
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0439E+06 3.8703E+05
URCorner: 5.0439E+06 6.2666E+05
LLCorner: 4.8355E+06 3.8703E+05
LRCorner: 4.8355E+06 6.2666E+05
3656 Lines 4205 Samples [57 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 14: 08/31/1988 = 5046029008824490 (P46/R29) Band1 15373480 Bytes
File 15: 08/31/1988 = 5046029008824490 (P46/R29) Band2 15373480 Bytes
File 16: 08/31/1988 = 5046029008824490 (P46/R29) Band3 15373480 Bytes
File 17: 08/31/1988 = 5046029008824490 (P46/R29) Band4 15373480 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

H. J. Andrews LTER TM Tape 1 Directory

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029009222310
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0459E+06 3.8532E+05
URCorner: 5.0459E+06 6.2027E+05
LLCorner: 4.8363E+06 3.8532E+05
LRCorner: 4.8363E+06 6.2027E+05
7354 Lines 8245 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 1: Readme Header File, 7060 bytes
File 2: 08/10/92 = 5046029009222310 (P46/R29) Band1 60633730 Bytes
File 3: 08/10/92 = 5046029009222310 (P46/R29) Band2 60633730 Bytes
File 4: 08/10/92 = 5046029009222310 (P46/R29) Band3 60633730 Bytes
File 5: 08/10/92 = 5046029009222310 (P46/R29) Band4 60633730 Bytes
File 6: 08/10/92 = 5046029009222310 (P46/R29) Band5 60633730 Bytes
File 7: 08/10/92 = 5046029009222310 (P46/R29) Band6 60633730 Bytes
File 8: 08/10/92 = 5046029009222310 (P46/R29) Band7 60633730 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

H. J. Andrews LTER TM Tape 2 Directory

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029009327310
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0448E+06 3.9168E+05
URCorner: 5.0448E+06 6.2680E+05
LLCorner: 4.8350E+06 3.9168E+05
LRCorner: 4.8350E+06 6.2680E+05
7364 Lines 8251 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 1: Readme Header File, 7060 bytes
File 2: 09/30/93 = 5046029009327310 (P46/R29) Band1 60760364 Bytes
File 3: 09/30/93 = 5046029009327310 (P46/R29) Band2 60760364 Bytes
File 4: 09/30/93 = 5046029009327310 (P46/R29) Band3 60760364 Bytes
File 5: 09/30/93 = 5046029009327310 (P46/R29) Band4 60760364 Bytes
File 6: 09/30/93 = 5046029009327310 (P46/R29) Band5 60760364 Bytes
File 7: 09/30/93 = 5046029009327310 (P46/R29) Band6 60760364 Bytes
File 8: 09/30/93 = 5046029009327310 (P46/R29) Band7 60760364 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

H. J. Andrews LTER TM Tape 3 Directory

[TM Data records info:]
Scene Id = 5046029009324110
Projection = UTM Zone = 10 Datum = Clarke 1866
ULCorner: 5.0448E+06 3.9202E+05
URCorner: 5.0448E+06 6.2714E+05
LLCorner: 4.8349E+06 3.9202E+05
LRCorner: 4.8349E+06 6.2714E+05
7365 Lines 8251 Samples [28.5 Meter Pixels] 8-bit data

File 1: Readme Header File, 7059 bytes
File 2: 08/29/93 = 5046029009324110 (P46/R29) Band1 60768615 Bytes
File 3: 08/29/93 = 5046029009324110 (P46/R29) Band2 60768615 Bytes
File 4: 08/29/93 = 5046029009324110 (P46/R29) Band3 60768615 Bytes
File 5: 08/29/93 = 5046029009324110 (P46/R29) Band4 60768615 Bytes
File 6: 08/29/93 = 5046029009324110 (P46/R29) Band5 60768615 Bytes
File 7: 08/29/93 = 5046029009324110 (P46/R29) Band6 60768615 Bytes
File 8: 08/29/93 = 5046029009324110 (P46/R29) Band7 60768615 Bytes

Go to top of document or start of Header listing

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