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Registration compliance (end of Sept 2003)

Men 18 to 25 years old who have registered: 93 percent Men 20 to 25 years old who have registered (draft-eligible): 95.4 percent Number of names and addresses on file for men 18 to 25 years old: About 13.5 million

Agency Budget (FY 2004)                                         


Agency Personnel

Full-time positions (FTEs) are authorized at 166. Part-time Reserve Force Officer (RFO) positions staffed in peacetime are 350. There are 56 part-time State Directors (including Guam, Puerto Rico, N. Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands, Washington, D.C., and New York City). There are 10,620 part-time volunteer Local & Appeal Board members and 240 Civilian Review Board members (part-time volunteers). Number of Local Boards currently total 1,980

Agency's Directors and Managers at National Headquarters
Arlington, VA 22209-2425

Agency Director
Jack Martin, Acting

Deputy Director

Support Services
Edward A. Blackadar, Jr.

Willie L. Blanding Jr.

Public & Intergovernmental Affairs
Richard S. Flahavan

Agency Region Directors

Region I
North Chicago, IL 60064-3038

Thomas White

Region II
Marietta, GA 30060-2731

Keith A. Scragg

Region III
Denver, CO 80207-2323

Deborah Bielanski, Acting

Data Management Center
P.O. Box 94638, Palatine, IL 60094-4638

William F. Delaney


Last Updated June 9, 2004
©2004 Selective Service System