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Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination A Primer for Working Together to Improve Transportation Safety, Reliability, and Security

Table of Contents

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Note From the Director

Making the Case for Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination
     What Can Make This Happen?
     About This Document
     What Does Collaboration Mean to Transportation Operations?

The Practice of Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination
     Structure: The Table for Regional Operations Collaboration and Coordination
     Processes: Facilitating Collaboration
     Products: Outputs to Chart the Course and Outcomes to Measure Progress
     Resources: Linking Needs to Sources
     Performance Improvement: Monitoring and Improving Regional Operations

Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination and the Regional ITS Architecture Development Process
     The Relevance of the Regional ITS Architecture
     Defining the Regional ITS Architecture
     Leveraging the Regional ITS Architecture Process

A Self-Assessment—Where Are You in Regional Collaboration and Coordination?

Applications of Regional Operations Collaboration and Coordination Planning for Transportation Operations
     TRANSCOM’s Regional Approach to Operations
     Southern California ITS Priority Corridor
     Maryland CHART
     Capital Wireless Integrated Network (CapWIN)
     Baltimore Regional Operations Coordination (B-ROC) Project
     Montgomery County ATIS
     Cross-Jurisdictional Signal Coordination in Phoenix
     San Antonio’s Advanced Warning to Avoid Railroad Delays (AWARD) Project
     San Antonio Medical Center Corridor Project
     Phoenix’s Roadway Closure and Restriction System (RCRS)
     Ventura County Fare Integration

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