Procurement Initiation Document/Procurement Request (PID/PR)

The creation of a procurement request at NAVAIR TSD is implemented via the NAVAIR SIGMA ERP system.

To create the PID/PR the originator will first coordinate with their IPT. Typically they will use a planning template where they can develop the line item structure, identify the funding source and identify other data required for the PID/PR.

Once the planning is complete the originator enters the PID/PR into the SIGMA system. Within the system the originator attaches the acquisition package documents which reside in an electronic database. The completed PID/PR is then sent into workflow where it is approved or rejected. Once the PID/PR is approved in SIGMA it automatically interfaces with SPS where the final contract is constructed, awarded and a purchase order is created.

PID/PR Process

Training Systems Division
Last Update: 3 February 2004