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Tower Construction Notification

The Commission is pleased to announce a newly developed Tower Construction Notification System. The Tower Construction Notification System is intended to increase communication — in the context of the review required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). It will also provide Tribes and Historic Preservation Officers with early notification of proposed towers in order to facilitate compliance with the Commission’s rules, and streamline the review process for construction of towers and other Commission undertakings.

Online Systems
Login Login if you receive FCC notifications of proposed tower construction.
Notify Notify Tribes and Historic Preservation Officers of your plans to build a tower. Note: Notification does NOT replace Section 106 consultation.
For information about system access or assistance please contact the FCC.

How the System Works
Tower construction notification allows companies to voluntarily submit notifications of proposed tower constructions to the FCC. The Commission subsequently provides this information to federally-recognized Indian Tribes, the Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO), and State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), and allows them to respond directly to the companies if they have concerns about a proposed construction.


Tower Notification Application Demonstration
pdf (4.3 MB) - ppt (6.3 MB)

Construction Notification is NOT to be Used in Place of Section 106 Consultation
The Commission strives to advance the goal of the NHPA to protect historic properties, including properties of religious and cultural significance to Tribes. Early notification of proposed construction to potentially affected Tribes, NHOs, and SHPOs is critical to ensure protection of historic properties. By notifying the Commission of proposed tower construction sites as early as possible, tower constructors can help ensure that SHPOs, Tribes and NHOs will be able to engage tower constructors and their consultants at an early date. The Commission will also be able to consult on a government-to-government basis with federally-recognized Tribes at an early date.

We emphasize to system users that the Tower Construction Notification System is a tool to facilitate the Section 106 process. The Tower Construction Notification System is NOT to be used in place of Section 106 consultation, or for any otherwise illegal or improper search for Tribal traditional cultural properties.

The information provided to and conveyed through this system does not necessarily reflect legal title and is not intended to be used to establish title to any lands described therein.

Last reviewed/updated on 7/17/2004.

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