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The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is the key instrument aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites. It is an optical scanner that views the Earth in 36 channels with spatial resolution ranging from 250 meters to 1 kilometer. MODIS yields unique amounts and quality of data on the the three spheres that human life depend on: Land, Oceans, and Atmosphere.

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Satellite Tracking

The Orinoco River Plume as seen by MODIS

MODIS/Terra 4.9-km resolution SST 8-day product MO04MW, during the week of August 12, 2003 MODIS/Terra 4.9-km resolution normalized water-leaving radiance 8-day product MO04MW, during the week
of August 12, 2003

The Orinoco river plume and associated cyclonic eddies, reported in Eos, v85, 20, have indeed been quite evident during the week of August 12, 2003, as can be seen from these images of MODIS/Terra 8-days products. What is worth noting though, is that the wind field likely played a major role in supplying additional instability and energy for the eddies. + Read more

Please visit our Gallery page to see other images collected during our tests of MODIS data.

MDST News Page      04/15/2004:
  • MODIS/Aqua Ocean Version 004 SST Data is Available       read more

MODIS data product news history log

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Responsible NASA Official: Steve Kempler, DAAC manager -- Steven.J.Kempler@nasa.gov
Webmaster: Darryl Nickless -- Darryl.Nickless@gsfc.nasa.gov
Contact Us -- help@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov

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Last Updated:Thu Jun 10 15:58:00 EDT 2004