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Center for Ozone Data & Information

Welcome to the Center for Ozone Data & Information (CODI) Web Site at the Goddard  Space Flight Center's Earth Sciences Distributive Active Archive Center (GES DAAC). The purpose of this on-line information center is to enhance the support services we provide to our ozone research community. We've provided a number of resources here to help you  in your research. You may also obtain technical support by telephone at [301-614-5284]; or by e-mail to [ahmad@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov].

Missions & Data

Analysis Tools

  • Data Read & Browse Software
  • Data Visulaization Tools
  • Interactive Web-based Analysis
  • On-line Spatial Subsetting
  • Geoprojection for GIS Systems
  • Format Converters
  • HDF & HDF-EOS Utilities


  • Air Quality Forecast
  • Tropospheric Ozone
  • Ozone Hole
  • Ozone Prediction
  • UV Index
  • Monitoring of Volcanic Emissions
  • Fire & Biomass Monitoring



Other Links

Questions or comments regarding this site should be directed to
Dr. Suraiya Ahmad, the CODI project contact.

Page Author: Suraiya Ahmad, Ph.D. -- ahmad@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
NASA official: Steve Kempler, DAAC Manager -- Steven.J.Kempler@nasa.gov
Web Curator: -- web-curator@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
Last update:Wed May 28 14:44:00 EDT 2003
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