NOAA Coastal Services Center: Linking People, Information, and Technology
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ArcView® Metadata Collector v2.0 Extension

Product Description

Screen grab of the Metadata Collector

The ArcView® Metadata Collector is an easy-to- use application that helps the ArcView 3.x user create Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)-compliant metadata. The tool can create metadata for any data type supported by ArcView, including ARC/INFO coverages, ArcView shapefiles, as well as any supported image formats.

Tool functions include:

  • Automatic extraction of information (metadata) such as bounding coordinates, map projections, and attribute information.
  • Storage of information into .dbf files that can be edited, if needed, and reused for subsequent metadata records.
  • Generation of output in both text and HTML formats. If you are creating metadata for an ARC/INFO coverage, this application will also generate an INFO file that will become part of the ARC/INFO coverage.

For more information on FGDC-compliant metadata, please visit the Center's Metadata Web page.

Download Instructions

When you click on one of the links below, you will be taken to a page that requests some information that will be used to notify you of any updates to the tool. Once you have completed the form, click the "Continue Download," button.

If you are using Netscape you should see the "SAVE AS" dialog box. Save the extension as "metadata2.avx" for the Windows® version, and "metadata2ux.avx" for the UNIX version.

If you are using Internet Explorer, the source code should appear in your browser window. Use the "SAVE AS" option on the "FILE" menu to save the extension to your preferred location. When the "SAVE WEB PAGE" box appears, change the file name from metadata2_avx to metadata2.avx and change the "SAVE AS TYPE" from "Web Page, complete (*.htm,*.html)" to "Text File (*.txt)." After a successful download, use Windows Explorer or My Computer to change the name from metadata2.avx.txt to metadata2.avx. If you receive a message that says you may be making the file unusable, click OK.

When writing metadata it is helpful to refer to The Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata.

Installation Information

ArcView 3.x Instructions

The following are instructions for loading the extension into ArcView 3.x for Windows®.

  1. Copy the file metadata2.avx into the Ext32 directory under your ArcView 3.x program directory. Typically this will be c:\esri\av_gis30\arcview\ext32. In a UNIX environment, copy the file metadata2ux.avx into either your home directory or the Ext directory under the ArcView 3.x program directory.
  2. When you start ArcView, select the "EXTENSIONS" option under the "FILE" menu and you will see an extension called "Metadata Collection Tool v 2.0." Once you click on this extension, ArcView will add a new drop-down menu named "Metadata Tools," as illustrated by the graphic at the top of the page.
  3. The Collect Metadata menu item starts the metadata collection dialog; the View Metadata menu item allows you to view metadata; the Create HTML from Existing Metadata menu item allows a user to create a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) file from an existing metadata record; the Metadata Help menu item links a user to the Metadata Collector's help file; and the Link to FGDC menu item provides a hyperlink to the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Web site.

Additional Instructions for ArcView 3.0

The instructions above should be followed for copying the extension into the appropriate directory. In addition, users with ArcView 3.0 have to download and install the Dialog Designer extension from ESRI®. This is a standard ArcView Extension for versions 3.1 and higher that is necessary for the Metadata Collector to work properly.

Download the ArcView® Metadata Collector v2.0




This code is not supported by the authors or by the NOAA Coastal Services Center. Feel free to use or modify this code, with the knowledge that the authors and the NOAA Coastal Services Center are not responsible for any of the ramifications of using this code.

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Updated on August 19, 2004