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 Important! Changes to LOI for Merit Review and IIR for All R&D; Services NEW!
 Merit Review Award Program for BLR&D/CSR&D (318 KB, MS Word) UPDATED!
 New Handbook - Control of Hazardous Agents in VA Research Laboratories NEW!
 Application & Submission Information - All Services
 Field Research Advisory Committee (FRAC) NEW!
 PRIDE: Protecting VA Human Research Participants UPDATED!
 (DRAFT) Solicitation: Gulf War Research (116 KB, PDF)

   NEW Research Highlights
Harmless Virus Helps HIV by Boosting Immune Proteins (06/01/04)
Study Explains Role of Brain Chemicals in Sleep (06/01/04)
Researchers Link Two Molecules to Multiple-Sclerosis Nerve Damage (05/01/04)
Study Urges More Discreet Use of Cancer Tests for Older Women (05/01/04)

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Page Last Updated: 10/07/04