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  • caBIO Quick Start

    caBIO Quick Start
    caBIO provides its users with three different Application Programming Interfaces (APIs):

    Java Interface

    1. Download the file

    2. Unzip the file at the root of your drive (i.e., c:\ or /usr/local/mydrive/)

    3. Read the included readme file for detailed installation instructions.

    4. Java classpath setup:
      The following jars must be on your classpath to run or compile the code:

      Example classpath to run GeneDemo:

      java -classpath .\JavaDemos;.\jars\caBIO.jar;.\jars\xercesImpl.jar;.\jars\xml-apis.jar;.\jars\jaxb-rt-1.0-ea.jar; GeneDemo

      java -classpath ./JavaDemos:./jars/caBIO.jar:./jars/xercesImpl.jar:./jars/xml-apis.jar:./jars/jaxb-rt-1.0-ea.jar: GeneDemo

      These jar files are included in the distribution and are located in the jars directory. The caBIO.jar is configured to point at the public caBIO server.

    5. RMI Configuration:
      The caBIO.jar communicates to the caBIO server located at NCICB via Java's Remote Invocation Method (RMI) protocol. The jar file is already configured to connect to the caBIO server using a fixed port RMI custom socket factory.
      Server Address Ports 8080 (RMI registration port)
      8443 (RMI Data Port)

      You can learn more about Java RMI at RMI and Object Serialization FAQ

    6. Java Security Policy File:
      A Java security policy is also required to make calls against the caBIO server because of the RMI protocol used by the caBIO.jar. A default java.policy file is included in the distribution. The policies defined in this java.policy file are for the protection of your system and NOT the caBIO server. Therefore, you are free (and encouraged) to edit the included java.policy file as appropriate for your system. For more information, see:

    7. Example Demo files:
      To verify proper installation and communication to the caBIO server, you can run one of the following Java example files included in the distribution:


      The Java examples source code as well as compiled byte code have been included as part of the distribution along with batch/shell scripts that will correctly set up the classpath.

    8. Executing the Examples:
      To run an example, type the following at the command prompt:

           run_caBIO.bat [name] (Windows)


           sh [name] (Unix)

      For example, to run the GeneDemo on Windows, type the following at the command prompt:

           run_caBIO.bat GeneDemo

      To run the GeneDemo on Unix, type the following at the command prompt:

           sh GeneDemo

    9. Recompile the examples
      If you would like to recompile an example, you can use the compile_caBIO scripts or Ant.

      To use the compile_caBIO script, type the following at the command prompt:

           compile_caBIO.bat JavaDemos/[name].java

      For example, if you would like to recompile on Windows, type the following at the command prompt:

           compile_caBIO.bat JavaDemos/

      On Unix, type the following at the command prompt:

           sh JavaDemos/

      Ant is an open source compile tool available at: Refer to the installation directions included with the Ant distribution. After you have installed Ant, change to the build directory and type:


    Web Services Interface

    The caBIO project provides a SOAP interface for non-Java applications. In this model the client issues XML-encoded requests specifying the desired data services to the appropriate caBIO host address and port and, in exchange, receives XML-encoded responses.

    1. Install a SOAP client package:
      SOAP client package handles the implementation of the envelope and the resolution of the SOAP types. A number of SOAP packages catering to different programming languages are available at and at Soapware. The PERL examples included in the distribution utilize SOAP::LITE for Perl, which can be freely downloaded from the or ActiveState web site .

    2. Accessing the caBIO SOAP Services:
      The following link points to the list of caBIO SOAP services provided by the NCICB server:

    3. caBIO SOAP Configuration:
      Listening Port: 80
      URI such as 'urn:nci-gene-service', See caBIO SOAP Services
      Method such as 'getGenes', See caBIO SOAP Services

    4. Executing the Examples:
      To run the example, type the following at the command prompt from the /PerlSOAP folder:

  80 getGenes -symbol brca1

    HTTP/XML Interface

    For example, to query for Genes where the Gene name is "BRCA1"

    To query for Chromosome information where Gene name is "BRCA1"

    In this case the association role from Chromosome to Gene is called "genes"

    To further refine the query for only human chromosomes where Gene name is "BRCA1"

    In this case the association role from Chromosome and Gene is called "genes" and the association role from Chromosome and Taxon is called "taxon".
    And "name" is an attribute of both "genes" and "taxon".

    In another example, we can simply formulate the query to return Gene information for Targets which have an association to Agents named "ADENO-P53" or just "ADENO*".

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