Rep. Henry A. Waxman
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Energy Policy Act of 2003

Fact Sheets

  Energy Policy Act Will Cost Americans over $140 Billion
  Rep. Waxman's Nov. 17 Statement
  Rep. Waxman's Nov. 14 Statement
  Energy Bill Industry Give-Aways
  Why Californians Should Oppose the Energy Bill


Wednesday, September 08, 2004
President's Calls for Energy Independence Inconsistent with Administration's Energy Plan
Following statements by the President on the need to address our national dependence on foreign oil, Rep. Waxman writes the President to share a recent report that finds that U.S. dependence on foreign sources of oil will worsen under H.R. 6, the energy bill the President supports and is urging Congress to pass.
- Letter to the President
- The Report

Monday, June 14, 2004
U.S. Dependence on Foreign Oil Worsens Under Administration Energy Policies
A new report released by Rep. Waxman finds that, under the Administration’s proposed energy policies, U.S. dependence on foreign oil will continue to increase markedly into the foreseeable future.
- The Report

Friday, May 07, 2004
Energy Dept. Responses on Industry Contacts Suspect, Contradicted by Other Evidence
Rep. Waxman asks the Department of Energy Inspector General to investigate the veracity and completeness of the Department's responses regarding communications with energy industry groups related to the Energy Policy Act of 2003.
- Letter to DOE IG
- DOE Response 2/4/04
- DOE Response 1/15/04
- DOE Response 1/6/04

Thursday, January 15, 2004
Members Demand Information on Energy Department Contacts with Industry Groups
More than a dozen members demand the release of information regarding reports that the Department of Energy worked with industry groups to plan a "lobbying blitz" in support of the energy bill.
- Letter to DOE
- Press Release

Monday, December 22, 2003
DOE Appears to be Coordinating "Lobbying Blitz"
Reps. Waxman and Dingell ask the Department of Energy to provide information on the “lobbying blitz” that DOE has reportedly planned with industry lobbyists. According to press reports, DOE is seeking to pressure Senators to reverse their position and pass the energy bill.
- Letter to DOE

Thursday, June 27, 2002
Rep. Waxman Releases Analysis of House Energy Bill
The conference between the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate on energy legislation began today. Rep. Waxman released a detailed section-by-section analysis of H.R. 4, the House energy bill, which shows that H.R. 4 is not a coherent national energy policy but is instead a collection of special interest giveaways to large energy industry campaign contributors.
- Analysis of H.R. 4
- Bill Text: H.R. 4
- Rep. Waxman's Statement

Tuesday, February 26, 2002
House Energy Bill Includes Huge Taxpayer Subsidies to Energy Industries
A new report prepared for Rep. Waxman analyzes the House energy bill in detail. The report shows that the Administration's energy policy contained in H.R. 4 is mainly an assemblage of tax breaks and subsidies to energy companies.
- Press Release
- The Report


United States House of Representatives Rep. Henry A. Waxman Committee on Government Reform Minority Office
Commitee on Government Reform Minority Office | U.S. House of Representatives
Photo of Rep. Waxman: [c] 2004 Kay Chernush