Increase in Budget Request (Thousands of Dollars)

Category: Research and Training Grants
HCQO*: $16,063
Program Support:
Total: $16,063

Category: The National Quality Report
HCQO*: $ 2,000
MEPS**: $ 2,000
Program Support:
Total: $ 4,000

Category: Patient Safety Data Development
HCQO*: $ 3,000
Program Support:
Total: $ 3,000

Category: Information Technology
HCQO*: $ 3,000
Program Support:
Total: $ 3,000

Category: The National Disparities Report
HCQO*: $ 1,000
MEPS**: $ 1,000
Program Support:
Total: $ 2,000

Category: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
HCQO*: $ 4,650
Program Support:
Total: $ 4,650

Category: Research Management
HCQO*: $ 3,636
Program Support: $100
Total: $ 3,736

Total Increase
HCQO*: $28,699
MEPS**: $ 7,650
Program Support: $100
Total: $36,449

*HCQO: Health Costs, Quality, and Outcomes.
**MEPS: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

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