About Literacy
Facts & Statistics
 State of literacy in  America
 State/Regional  Profiles
 1992 National Adult  Literacy Survey
 International  Adult/Literacy  Survey
Policy & Legislation
Click here to access expert reviewed, high quality teaching & learning resources on major subject areas. Click here to participate in discussions on literacy critical issues, find about latest research and best practices, ask questions of subject experts and more. My LINCS: make LINCS work for you HOT Sites: recommended literacy sites Click here to find Literacy programs near you

For information on the new National Assessment of Adult Literacy 2002, visit http://nces.ed.gov/naal/.

NIFL Literacy Fact Sheets:
Updated Spring 2002

NIFL Policy Fact Sheets

The above files are in Word Document format.

Other Statistical Resources:

The State of Literacy in America. Estimates of the local, state and national levels of literacy in the United States.

National Assessment of Adult Literacy 2002 , National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

The US Department of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE), Division of Adult Education and Literacy:

Other Databases:

National Adult Literacy Database (NALD)
The National Adult Literacy Database Inc. (NALD) is a federally incorporated, non-profit service organization which serves as a single-source, comprehensive, up-to-date and easily accessible database of adult literacy programs, resources, services and activities across Canada.

Asian-Pacific Literacy Database
This database is jointly developed by the Asia/Pacific Cultural centre for UNESCO (ACCU) and UNESCO Bangkok - Asia and Pacific Bureau for Education in co-operation with government and non-government literacy agencies in the region. The Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) is a non-profit organization working for mutual understanding and cultural cooperation in Asia and the Pacific in the fields of culture, book development and literacy promotion.

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