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     Total Lunar Eclipse
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lunar eclipse
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October 13: On Wednesday night, Oct. 27th, North Americans can see a total eclipse of the moon.

NASA researchers are developing an exquisitely sensitive artificial nose for space exploration. Electronic Nose - October 06:
nasa technology
NASA researchers are developing an exquisitely sensitive artificial nose for space exploration.

A stream of interstellar helium atoms almost as hot as the surface of the Sun is blowing through the Shields Up! - September 27:
interstellar matter
A stream of interstellar helium atoms almost as hot as the surface of the Sun is blowing through the solar system.

Jupiter and Ulysses Beware: Io Dust - September 14:
Jupiter's moon Io is shooting tiny volcanic projectiles at passing spacecraft.

halobacterium Secrets of a Salty Survivor - September 10:
A microbe from the Dead Sea may hold the key to protecting astronauts from one of the greatest threats they would face during a mission to Mars: space radiation.

Morning Planets Morning Planets - September 09:
looking up
The morning sky this weekend is sparkling. Wake up early to see Mercury, Venus, Saturn and more.

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August 27: The Pathway Less Traveled- It's hard enough staying the right weight here on Earth. In space, it might be even harder. According to NASA-supported research

August 19: Have Blood, Will Travel- The radiation astronauts encounter in deep space could put vital blood-making cells in jeopardy.

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Production Editor:
Dr. Tony Phillips

Bryan Walls

NASA Official:
Ron Koczor