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Itemized List of Information Collected Annually From Industry

Required Reporting on Offset Transactions

On an annual basis, industry is required to submit to the Department of Commerce an itemized list of offset transactions completed during the report period, with the following data elements:

Name of Country - Country of entity purchasing the weapon system, defense item or service subject to offset.

Name or Description of Weapon System, Defense Item, or Service Subject to offset.

Name of Fulfilling Entity - Entity fulfilling offset transaction (including first tier subcontractors).

Name of Offset Receiving Entity - Entity receiving benefits from offset transaction.

Offset Credit Value - Dollar value credits claimed by fulfilling entity including any intangible factors/multipliers.

Actual Offset Value - Dollar value of the offset transaction without multipliers/intangible factors.

Description of Offset Product/Service - Short description of the type of offset (e.g., co-production, technology transfer, subcontract activity, training, purchase, cash payment, etc.)

Broad Industry Category - Broad classification of the industry in which the offset transaction was fulfilled (e.g., aerospace, electronics, chemicals, industrial machinery, textiles, etc.)

Direct or Indirect Offset - Specify whether the offset transaction was a direct or indirect offset.

Name of Country in which Offset was Fulfilled - United States, purchasing country, or third country.

Offset transactions of the same type (same fulfilling entity, receiving entity, and offset product/service) completed during the same reporting period could be combined.

Reporting on Offset Agreements Entered Into

In addition to the itemized list of offset transactions completed during the specified time period, U.S. firms were asked to provide information regarding new offset agreements entered into during the year, including the following elements:

Name of Country - Entity Purchasing the Weapon System, Defense Item, or Service Subject to Offset.

Name or Description of Weapon System, Defense Item, or Service Subject to Offset.

Names/Titles of Signatories to the Offset Agreement

Value of Export Sale Subject to Offset (approximate)

Total Value of the Offset Agreement

Term of Offset Agreement (months)

Description of Performance Measures (e.g., "best efforts," liquidated damages)



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