NWS Standard Barotropic Level Fax Charts

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The standard barotropic level products available are:

  1. 1000 MB
    1. Western Mercator Analysis Valid 00Z S.Hemisphere 50S-30N,0-180W
      Size: 151.4K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 03:37:24 2004 UTC
    2. Eastern Mercator Stream Analysis Valid 00Z S.Hemisphere 50S-30N,0E-180E
      Size: 145.4K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 03:37:24 2004 UTC
  2. 850 MB
    1. Height/Temp Analysis Plot Continential U.S. (00Z or 12Z)
      Size: 86.3K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 02:04:55 2004 UTC
  3. 700 MB
    1. Height/Temp Analysis Plot Continential U.S. (00Z or 12Z)
      Size: 88.2K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 02:04:55 2004 UTC
  4. 500 MB
    1. Height/Temp Analysis, Polar Stereographic Northern Hemisphere (00Z)
      Size: 82.4K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 03:38:21 2004 UTC
    2. Plot Analysis, Height/Temp 45W-180 Northern Hemisphere
      Size: 84.8K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 02:04:55 2004 UTC
    3. Heights / Isotachs 36HR FCST Valid 00Z - North Atlantic
      Size: 2.4K - Updated: Wed May 5 13:45:16 2004 UTC
    4. 48 Hr. Forecast Northern Hemisphere (00Z or 12Z)
      Size: 2.4K - Updated: Wed May 5 13:45:16 2004 UTC
    5. 72 Hr Fcst Continential U.S.
      Size: 2.4K - Updated: Wed May 5 13:45:17 2004 UTC
    6. 84 Hr. Forecast Continential U.S.
      Size: 3.1K - Updated: Wed Oct 1 12:00:13 2003 UTC
  5. 300 MB
    1. Height/Isotachs Analysis Continential U.S. (00Z)
      Size: 109.0K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 02:04:56 2004 UTC
    2. Plot Analysis, Height/Isotachs Continential U.S. (12Z)
      Size: 1.9K - Updated: Wed Apr 7 15:13:23 2004 UTC
    3. Heights, Winds Analysis 45-180W Northern Hemisphere
      Size: 2.4K - Updated: Wed May 5 13:45:19 2004 UTC
    4. Heights, Winds Forecast 45-180W Northern Hemisphere
      Size: 2.4K - Updated: Wed May 5 13:45:19 2004 UTC
    5. 36 Hr. Forecast Northern Hemishpere (12Z)
      Size: 2.4K - Updated: Wed May 5 13:45:16 2004 UTC
  6. 250 MB
    1. Analysis North America (00Z or 12Z)
      Size: 1.9K - Updated: Wed Apr 7 15:13:23 2004 UTC
    2. Streams / Isotachs Analysis - 20S-50N,40W-110W
      Size: 52.8K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 04:01:23 2004 UTC
    3. Streams / Isotachs Analysis - 30S-40N,120W-120E
      Size: 84.8K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 04:01:22 2004 UTC
  7. 200 MB
    1. Height/Isotachs  Analysis, Continential U.S. (00Z or 12Z)
      Size: 109.4K - Updated: Sun Oct 17 02:05:01 2004 UTC
    2. Mercator Analysis Hurricane Center (20S-50N) Africa-U.S. West coast Miami
  8. 100 MB
    1. Analysis Eastern North America/Atlantic (00Z)
      Size: 3.3K - Updated: Mon Mar 15 13:36:58 2004 UTC

The latest version of each weather chart available for distribution from the NWS Telecommunication Gateway on the DIFAX ® satellite broadcast system to the WSFOs is available on this server. This list is not in the order normally transmitted.

The charts are in G4 (T4) format and enveloped in TIFF for viewing.You will need an external or plug-in viewer to display the TIFF files.

A chart reference guide is provided for your information.

These files are also available via E-mail

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contact: Clifford.Fridlind@noaa.gov, NWS Office of Operational Systems

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service
Last Modified: Sunday, 17-Oct-2004 10:33:09 GDT
Document URL: http://weather.noaa.gov /fax/barotrop.shtml